How to Copy User-ID Agent Configuration from one Server to Another

How to Copy User-ID Agent Configuration from one Server to Another

Created On 09/25/18 17:39 PM - Last Modified 06/03/23 03:49 AM


If you ever need to have a User-ID agent setting on multiple machines with the same config, please read these instructions about how to perform this.


Instead of configuring the User-ID (UID) agent on each machine, you can copy the configuration file from one machine and paste it into the other machines. Doing so will configure the User ID agent on the second machine within seconds.


Note: Please be sure to use the same account to run the agent on the server. Please see the 'getting started' article at the bottom of this article.



  1. Stop the User-ID agent on the first server.
  2. Navigate to the below hierarchy, on the first server:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Palo Alto Networks\User-ID Agent
    user id agent config screen.pngScreenshot showing the User-ID config file location
  3. Copy the "UserIDAgentConfig.xml" file from the first server. Please remember to start the User-ID agent again on the first server after copying the file. 
  4. On a second server with the User-ID agent installed, stop the User-ID Agent, and copy the config file into the same location as the first server. And again, Please remember to start the User-ID agent after copying the config file.


This method will be the quickest way to have redundant User-ID agents.


See also

Getting Started: User-ID

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