How to Configure a High Availability Replacement Device
Created On 09/25/18 17:39 PM - Last Modified 01/30/25 22:31 PM
- PAN-OS 8.0 and above.
- Palo Alto Firewall.
NOTE: Prior to restoring the config, if the Master Key has been changed, add the changed Master Key to the firewall. Otherwise you will not be able to commit the config to the firewall.
- For multi-vsys enabled systems, first enable multi vsys capability :
> set system setting multi-vsys on
- (Optional) Enable jumbo frames and session distribution policy to match the old device.
> set system setting jumbo-frame on (reboot required to take effect) > set session distribution policy [ fixed | hash | ingress-slot | random| round-robing | session-load ]
- Go to GUI:Device > Setup > Operations.
- Click "Import device state" and import the previously backed up configuration from the faulty device.
- Commit once the import of the device state is complete.
- Ensure the new device stays in a passive state to prevent the configuration from being pushed to the active device.
- Suspend the new unit from the CLI run the command:
> request high-availability state suspend
or - From the GUI go to GUI: Device > High Availability > Operations > Suspend local device.
or - Perform the config change:
- Suspend the new unit from the CLI run the command:
Go to Device > High Availability > General > Setup and uncheck the Enable Config Sync option.
Disable "Preemptive" under Election Settings.
Configure the device with the highest Device Priority value (255).
Perform a commit
Note: The device will not become active with this configuration. Refer to High Availability Synchronization
Disable "Preemptive" under Election Settings.
Configure the device with the highest Device Priority value (255).
Perform a commit
Note: The device will not become active with this configuration. Refer to High Availability Synchronization
- Connect HA1 Interfaces.
- Make sure the replacement device has the same configuration as the active device.
- Go to the Dashboard tab and check the High Availability widget.
Note: If the High Availability widget is not displayed, then click Widgets > System > High Availability. - If the configurations are not the same, go to Device > High Availability and click "Push configuration to peer" from the active device.
- Go to the Dashboard tab and check the High Availability widget.
- Verify there are no active commit jobs running and the devices are in sync. Use the commands below
show jobs all show high-availability all | match "Running Configuration"
- Verify there is no difference in idmgr between the devices.
debug device-server dump idmgr high-availability state
- Log into the Active unit. Go to Device > Config Audit > Do config audit between "Running Config" and "Peers Running Config." Make sure both are the same. If the case of any differences, try to manually configure the passive unit.
"Config Difference" can occur if a configuration backup was not taken for the faulty device, so the new device won't have the same configuration as the active unit. In this case, manual configuration is required.
- Enable config sync (Device > High Availability > General > Setup) and preemptive (Device > High Availability > General > Election Settings) on the replacement device.
- Commit the changes.
- Connect the HA2 interface and wait for the session synchronization to be completed.
- If the Firewall is suspended during step 6, make it functional now.
- Connect the other dataplane interfaces now.
The replacement procedure is now complete.
Please note that these instructions should be followed if the firewall is an SD-WAN device.
Additional Information
Please not on step 11 :
There are some configuration settings don't synchronize in active/passive HA and you must configure the settings on each firewall in the HA pair
- What Doesn't Sync in Active/Passive HA?