Seeing Error "x509: certificate signed by unknown authority" when Scanning Registry Image in Prisma Cloud
Created On 04/25/22 09:28 AM - Last Modified 03/02/23 02:43 AM
- Following error seen when scanning a Registry Image:
Failed to pull image xxxxxxxreg/xxxxxxx:v1.0.0, error Error initializing source docker://registry.xxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxxxx:v1.0.0: error pinging docker registry registry.xxxxx: Get ";!!Gt_FR42WkD9csi9Y!NYhH91g2nYoQOfa3jNTZVtUdvAwu-vt30mQ2XXiY-cvy0sjkmol_xx8S-U0uKSRnm_zIxg$ ": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
- Prisma Cloud Compute Enterprise Edition
- Prisma Cloud Compute Self Hosted
- Containerd Runtime
- The Certificate Path has not been discovered by Prisma Cloud Compute.
- When using Containerd Runtime, the default path for registry certificate is /etc/containerd.
- Prisma Cloud Compute has yet not been able to discover registry certificate under /etc/containerd.
- Until Prisma Cloud Compute only supports /etc/containers/certs.d/$REGISTRY_NAME/ or /etc/docker/certs.d/$REGISTRY_NAME/
- Create a directory on the Defender node as shown below :
/etc/containers/certs.d/$REGISTRY_NAME/ or /etc/docker/certs.d/$REGISTRY_NAME/
- Note: from Kepler(22.06+), one more folder is supported:
- Put the certificate inside the $REGISTRY_NAME folder.
- The certificate name doesn't matter, as long as the certificate is present in the registry folder.
- For container defender, modify the daemon set yaml file of the container to mount the folder. Here's the example:
- Command:
kubectl edit ds -n twistlock twistlock-defender-ds
- Under “volumeMounts:” add:
- name: registry-scan mountPath: /etc/docker/certs.d - name: registry-scan2 mountPath: /etc/containers/certs.d - name: registry-scan3 mountPath: /etc/containerd/certs.d
- Under “volumes:” add:
- name: registry-scan hostPath: path: /etc/docker/certs.d type: '' - name: registry-scan2 hostPath: path: /etc/containers/certs.d type: '' - name: registry-scan3 hostPath: path: /etc/containerd/certs.d type: ''
- Command:
NOTE : As of now, the above steps are the only applicable solution available for this issue.
Additional Information
Configuring Registry Scan