Installation of target PAN OS fails due to missing base image.

Installation of target PAN OS fails due to missing base image.

Created On 01/05/22 06:54 AM - Last Modified 01/09/25 03:31 AM


Installation of target PAN OS fails due to missing base image with an error message similar to below:
User-added image


The installation fails when the base and target PAN OS images are uploaded using the GUI option:
User-added image


The manually uploaded image is saved into a different directory path wherein image loading into software manager is not triggered.
Therefore the base image is not available to software manager upon installation of target PAN OS.
When PAN OS images are downloaded from the update server using the Download option under Action column on GUI, then they automatically become available into software manager.


Make internet access available to download the PAN OS image directly from the update server.

Additional Information

As a workaround, install the uploaded PAN OS base image (no reboot). This would load the base image into software manager. After that, installation of the target PAN OS should succeed.

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