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GlobalProtect: PanGPS or/and GlobalProtect processes not starti... - Knowledge Base - Palo Alto Networks

GlobalProtect: PanGPS or/and GlobalProtect processes not starting on macOS (OR launchctl is not able to load pangps or pangpa)

Created On 12/16/21 22:04 PM - Last Modified 06/10/22 18:20 PM


After the GP App installation/upgrade OR a macOS upgrade, a user sees any of the symptoms:

  • GP App User Interface (UI) not running OR
  • PanGPS and/or GlobalProtect process not running OR
  • netstat output does not show LISTEN socket for TCP 4767 port
  • launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/ and/or launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/ command does not load pangps or pangpa OR
  • launchctl load command shows error: Load failed
  • PanGPInstall.log file shows /Library/LaunchAgents/ Service is disabled or /Library/LaunchAgents/ Service is disabled




GlobalProtect App on macOS


This could happen for multiple reasons:

  • GP App is not properly/completely installed
  • Some of the GP files are missing, for example, any or all of the following files is missing:
  • The macOS launched or launchctl is not able to load the pangps or pangpa
  • The pangps service and/or pangpa agent are disabled by the system or user
  • The pangps service and/or pangpa agent are not disabled and launchctl is able to load them without any errors but PanGPS and/or GlobalProtect processes are still not running


A user can follow the steps to troubleshoot and fix the problem:

Step#1: The following command does not show PanGPS or/and GlobalProtect processes running

ps -ef | grep -i globalprotect

Step#2: Make sure the GP installation installed the following files:

ls -lth /Library/LaunchAgents/
ls -lth /Library/LaunchAgents/
ls -lth /Applications/
ls -lth /Applications/

If any file is missing, uninstall and re-install the GP App and verify Step#1

Step#3: Find the User ID (UID) that would be used in following steps:

id -u

Step#4: With the following command, verify the pangp service and agent are not disabled

launchctl print-disabled user/501 | grep pangp
"" => false
"" => false

The output should be blank OR the value in the output should be false for both the and, 

Just run the following commands to load the pangp service and agent:

launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/

Step#5: If the value in the output is true for one or both of them, it means it's/they're disabled and need to be enabled, run the following commands to enable and load them:

launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/

Step#6: Verify the disabled list should have a false value now:

launchctl print-disabled user/501 | grep pangp
"" => false
"" => false

Step#7: The PanGPS & GlobalProtect processes should be running now, verify with the command:

ps -ef | grep -i globalprotect
root <output-abridged> /Applications/
user <output-abridged> /Applications/

Step#7: GP App UI should be accessible

If there is any issue in connecting with the GP Portal or Gateway, that's a different issue and would need connection troubleshooting methodology

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