How to Embed App-Embedded Defender into AWS Fargate tasks in Prisma Cloud Compute?

How to Embed App-Embedded Defender into AWS Fargate tasks in Prisma Cloud Compute?

Created On 12/08/21 07:32 AM - Last Modified 04/21/22 21:01 PM


How to Embed App-Embedded Defender into Fargate tasks in Prisma Cloud Compute?


  • Prisma Cloud Compute
  • AWS


Prior going through the configuration steps, Refer to the "additional Information" to confirm the prerequisites 

Configuration Steps : 

  1. Log into Prisma Cloud Console. 
  2. Go to Manage > Defenders > Deploy > Defenders.
  3. Select  Single defender
  4. In the  Defender Type  drop-down list, choose  App-Embedded
  5. Set the Deploy App-Embedded Defender to Fargate Task
  6. Embed the Fargate Defender into your task definition.

6a.  Copy and paste your task definition into the left-hand box.
6b.  Click  Generate Protected Task
6c.  Copy the updated task definition from the right-hand box.

CLOUD  Step 2  Deploy Defenders  step 3  Step 6a  Step 4  step 5  Step 6b  Step 6c
Creating a task definition in AWS
  • Create a new task definition in AWS with the output from the previous section.
  • If you already have an existing task definition, create a new revision.
This section is geared to creating a new task definition based on the sample task.
  1. Log into the AWS Management Console.
  2. Go to Services > ECS
  3. Click  Task Definitions then click  Create new Task Definition
3.1 Select Fargate then click  Next step
3.2 Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click  Configure via JSON
3.3 Delete the prepopulated JSON, then paste the JSON generated for task from the previous section.
3.4 Click  Save
      4. Validate task content.
4.1 Task name should be as described in the JSON.
4.2 Select the  Task Role
4.3 The task should include the  TwistlockDefender container.

4.4 Click  Create
4.5 Click  View task definition


Testing the Task
  1. Log into the AWS Management Console.
  2. Go to Services > ECS
  3. Click Clusters then select one of your Fargate cluster.
  4. Click the Services tab, then click  Create

D New ECS Experience  Clusters  An Amazon ECS cluster is a regional grouping of one or more container instances on which you can run task requests. Each account receives a default cluster the first time you use  Amazon ECS  the Amazon ECS service. Clusters may contain more than one Amazon EC2 instance type.  Clusters  For more information, see the ECS documentation.  Task Definitions  Account Settings  Amazon EKS  Clusters  list  Amazon ECR  Repositories  AWS Marketplace  Discover software  ubscriotio  Create Cluster  View  Get Started cluster  card  view all  I-lofl  CloudWatch monitoring  pcc >  Default Monitoring
New ECS Experience  Tea  Amazon ECS  Clusters  Task Definitions  Account Settings  Amazon EKS  Clusters  Amazon ECR  Repositories  AWS Marketplace  Discover software  Subscriptions  Clusters > PCC  Cluster : pcc  Get a detailed view of the resources on your cluster.  Update Cluster  Delete Cluster  Cluster ARN  Status  Registered container instances  Pending tasks count  Running tasks count  Active service count  Draining service count  arn:aws:ecs:us-east- 1 :482660645658:cluster/pcc  ACTIVE  O Fargate, O EC2,  O Fargate, O EC2  O Fargate, O EC2  O Fargate, O EC2,  O External  , O External  , O External  O External  Scheduled Tasks  Servic s  Create  Tasks ECS Instances Metrics  Tags  Update  Capacity Providers  Last updated on November 20, 2021 7:24:04 PM (0m ago)  Delete  Actions  Launch type  Filter in this page  Service Name  ALL  Service type ALL  Status  Service ty. Task Defin.  No results  Desired ta...  Running  Launch  Platform
4.1 For Launch type select  Fargate
4.2 For Task Definition select your pre-defined task.
4.3 Enter a  Service name
4.4 For Number of tasks enter 1
Create Service  Step 1: Configure service  Step 2: Configure network  Step 3: Set Auto Scaling (optional)  Step 4: Review  Configure service  A service lets you specify how many copies of your task definition to run and maintain in a cluster. You can optionally use an Elastic  Load Balancing load balancer to distribute incoming traffic to containers in your service. Amazon ECS maintains that number of  tasks and coordinates task scheduling with the load balancer. You can also optionally use Service Auto Scaling to adjust the number  of tasks in your service.  Launch type  Operating system family  Task Definition  Platform version  Cluster  Service name  Service type*  Number Of tasks  @ FARGATE  o  EXTERNAL  Switch to capacity provider strategy  Linux  Family  twistlock-fargate-18_11  Revision  1 (latest)  LATEST  pcc  o  o  Enter a value  •o  o  o  o

4.5 Click Next step
4.6 Select a  Cluster VPC and Subnets  then click Next step
Create Service  Step 1: Configure service  I Step 2: Configure network  Step 3: Set Auto Scaling (optional)  Step 4: Review  Configure network  VPC and security groups  VPC and security groups are configurable when your task definition uses the awsvpc network mode.  Cluster vpc• vpc-02d3df3ef91f571e1 (172.31  Subnets*  subnet-02c361 28f5a940c  ( - us-east-le  assign ipv6 on creation: Disabled  subnet-0664a78ae9bdc60ff  ( - us-east-Id  assign ipv6 on creation: Disabled  Security groups•  pccsrv- 1393  Edit  o  o  o  o  Auto-assign public IP  Health check grace period  ENABLED  If your service's tasks take a while to start and respond to ELB health checks, you can specify a health check grace period of up to  2,147,483,647 seconds during which the ECS service scheduler will ignore ELB health check status. This grace period can prevent  the ECS service scheduler from marking tasks as unhealthy and stopping them before they have time to come up. This is only valid if  your service is configured to use a load balancer.  Health check grace period  requires a load balancer.  o
4.7 For Service Auto Scaling, select  then click Next step
  • Do not adjust the service’s desired count
Create Service  Step 1: Configure service  Step 2: Configure network  Step 3: Set Auto Scaling (optional)  Step 4: Review  Set Auto Scaling (optional)  Automatically adjust your service's desired count up and down within a specified range in response to CloudWatch alarms. You can  modify your Service Auto Scaling configuration at any time to meet the needs of your application.  Service Auto Scaling  O  *Required  Do not adjust the service's desired  count  Configure Service Auto Scaling to  adjust your service's desired count  Cancel  Previous  Next step
5. Review your settings, then click  Create Service
5.1 Validate the results.
5.2 Click  View Service

Create Service  Step 1 : Configure sen.'ice  Step 2: Configure network  Step 3: Set Auto Scaling (optional)  Step 4: Review  Review  Cluster  Launch type  Operating system family  Task Definition  Platform version  Service name  Service type  Number of tasks  Minimum healthy percent  Maximum percent  Deployment circuit breaker  Configure network  VPC Id  Subnets  Create new security group  Auto assign IP  Set Auto Scaling (optional)  PCC  FARGATE  Linux  twistlock-fargate- 18_ 11 : 1  LATEST  pccsrv  REPLICA  100  200  Disabled  vpc-02d3df3ef91f571e1  subnet-02c361 c128f5a940c, subnet-  0664a78ae9bdc60ff  pccsrv- 1393  ENABLED  not configured  Cancel  Previous  Edit  Create Service
Launch Status  ECS Service status - 3 of 3 completed  Configure Task Networking  Create security group  Create security group  pccsrv-1393 succeeded sg-Oa3fd669efcf05695  Set inbound rules  Set inbound rules  succeeded sg-Oa3fd669efcf05695  Create Service  Create service: pccsrv  Service created  Service created. Tasks will start momentarily. Mew: pccsrv  Additional integrations you can connect to your ECS service  Code Pipeline  Setup a CI/CD process from your service. You can build from source or have an ECR repository as the source for your deployment.  Create a pipeline c?  Back  View Service
  • When Last status is Running, your Fargate task is running.
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  • The containers are running.

6. View the defender in the Prisma Cloud Console: Go to  Manage > Defenders > Manage Defenders and search the fargate task by adding the filters Fargate and  Status: Connected
o  CLOUD  Defen&rs must  Manage  Manage deployed Defenders  Polkies  in mnt to def«1  O Akts  Cmm.te  2108525  Advmi wrings  Shows  connected  Cmted 1 min  csv  t Llpgruie all
Fimall  Host Network  20.2021 PM  Not Ani  Enabled  Not Ani  Not Available

Additional Information

  • Prisma Cloud cleanly separates the code developers produce from the Fargate containers we protect.
  • Developers don’t need to change their code to accommodate Prisma Cloud.
  • Developers also don’t need to load any special libraries, add any files, or change any manifests.
  • When a container is ready to be deployed to test or production, run the task definition through a transform tool to automatically embed the Fargate Defender before loading the new task definition into AWS.
  • This method for embedding the Fargate Defender was designed to seamlessly integrate into the CI/CD pipeline.
  • Developers can call the Prisma Cloud API to embed the Fargate Defender into your task definition.


  • The task where you’re embedding the App-Embedded Defender can reach Console’s port 8084 over the network.
  • A valid task task definition.
  • Already created an ECS cluster.
  • Cluster VPC and subnets.
  • Task role.


  • The task definition must include matching entrypoint and cmd parameters from Dokerfile(s) of the image(s) in the task.
  • Because Prisma Cloud does not see the actual images as part of embedding flow, it depends on having these parameters present to reliably insert the App-Embedded Defender into the task startup flow.
  • If Dokerfile does not include an entrypoint parameter, a default one such as /bin/sh must be used in the task definition.
  • However, because the cmd parameter is optional, if Dokerfile does not include a cmd parameter, one is not required in the task definition.


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