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An unexpected error occurred. Please click Reload to try again.
system logs display "TACACS auth server x.x.x.x is up !!!" without any down messages.

system logs display "TACACS auth server x.x.x.x is up !!!" without any down messages.

Created On 07/20/23 01:38 AM - Last Modified 11/03/23 21:44 PM


  • system log (show log system) of a firewall or panorama display entries similar to "TACACS+ auth server x.x.x.x is up !!!"
  • The system log does not show any entries where the TACACS server is down.
server logs


  • Palo Alto Firewall or Panorama
  • PAN-OS 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 11.0
  • TACACS or other server profile such as Kerberos and LDAP.


  • The auth server messages being "down" followed by "up" messages occur during normal scenario.
  • In this case, the software defect causes the "up" message to appear erroneously whenever the socket is reconnected, even if no communications error has occurred.
  • It is normal behavior for the TCP connection with the TACACS or other server to sometimes go idle. The reconnection is triggering the "up" message without any "down" message.


  1. This is cosmetic issue addressed under PAN-222418 in PAN-OS  10.1.12, 10.2.8, 11.0.3 and 11.1.0, 
  2. One can safely ignore the message till upgrade since this is cosmetic issue.
Note: 10.1.12 and 10.2.8 are pending release.

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