There are 2 different ways that you can get log files from GlobalProtect inside the "Troubleshoot" tab.
The first way to see the logs is to Start and Stop the logs to view them live. This can be helpful to start and stop the logs to capture a certain Connection issue or another event.
For Windows Clients
Start by right-clicking the GlobalProtect icon on the taskbar
Then click the triple-bar icon and click Settings
On the GlobalProtect Agent window, go to the Troubleshooting tab, click Advanced, and select Logs.
Set Log type to PanGP Service. The PanGP Service (Windows Service) logs every connection attempt and all errors encountered during that time.
Set Debug Level to Debug
Before a certain event happens, click Start to start the logs. After the event, click Stop to stop the logs.
After you have logs on the screen, you can take a screenshot, or just scroll through the event as it is happening. This can help show exactly what is going on when the issue occurs.
The second way to collect logs is from the same Troubleshooting window, click the Collect Logs button.
This will bring up the Save Logs window. Click the Open Folder button
This brings up a Windows Explorer window. Look for the file. This is what you can unzip yourself or send off to Support so they can help troubleshoot what is going on.
For Mac Clients
1. Click on the GlobalProtect client icon on the top of the home screen. Click on the triple-bar icon and select Settings.
2. A new window will pop up. Go to the Troubleshooting tab and click the Collect Logs button.
3. The collected logs will be saved. Click Open Folder to navigate to the file
To collect GP logs from MacOS Terminal
sh /Applications/ <save location>
user1@Labhost% sh /Applications/ /Users/user1
Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil showloaded
No variant specified, falling back to release
/Applications/ /Applications/
a DNS.txt
a DemPathTestService-2023-06-16-111008.ips
a IfConfig.txt
a MachineState.txt
a NetStat.txt
a PanGPA.log
a PanGPA.log.old
a PanGPS.log
a PanGPS.log.old
a PanGpHip.log
a PanGpHipMp.log
a PanNExt.log
a PanNExt.log.old
a Proxy.txt
a RoutePrint.txt
a SystemInfo.txt
a Top.txt
a com.paloaltonetworks.DemUpdateService 2023-06-05--02-08-33-832.log
a com.paloaltonetworks.GlobalProtect.settings.plist
a debug_drv.log
a debug_drv_old.log
a pan_gp_event.log
a pan_gp_hrpt.xml
a pan_gp_trb.log
a sysext.service.log
a system.log
a system.log.0.gz
a system.log.1.gz
a system.log.2.gz
a system.log.3.gz
a system.log.4.gz
a system.log.5.gz
a system.log.6.gz
a systemextensionsctl.txt
The support file is saved to /Users/user1/GlobalProtectLogs.tgz
For Linux Machines
The PANGPI and PANGPA logs are stored in the below location on the Linux Machine.
To collect the Client logs use the below commands on the terminal.
user1@Labhost:~$ globalprotect
Start collecting...
collecting network info...
collecting machine info...
copying files...
generating final result file...
The support file is saved to /home/user/.GlobalProtect/Collect.tgz
Export the Collect.tgz file from the above given location.
For mobile devices (Android and iOS)
In GlobalProtect agents for mobile devices, select Help > Troubleshoot and then choose to email the logs to a recipient. This operation requires an Email Account.
Additional Information
For additional information, please refer to the following documents: