How to troubleshoot gRPC connections failure between Firewall and ACE Application Cloud Engine/Content Cloud
Created On 04/03/23 22:40 PM - Last Modified 08/27/24 00:07 AM
How to troubleshoot connections failure between Firewall MP/DP and ACE Application Cloud Engine/Content Cloud.
- Palo Alto Firewalls
- PAN-OS 10.1 and above.
- App-ID Cloud Engine (ACE)
- Content Cloud (filemanager)
- Check that a device certificate is valid and present on the FW.
show device-certificate status
- Check that the SaaS Security Inline license is present and Valid.
request license info
- Check that the Data Services service route is properly configured. (Default is management)
- Check if the upstream firewall is allowing application paloalto-ace, paloalto-ace-kcs and OCSP (for certificate validation).
- Make sure that the App-ID cloud engine is enabled on the Firewall (it is enabled by default on the FW).
- Troubleshoot the connection between Firewall Management Plane (MP) and App-ID Cloud Engine (ACE):
- Check the cloud connection status to the Firewall MP.
show cloud-appid connection-to-cloud
- Note: In addition to the connection status, this output will help guide your troubleshooting by indicating whether the problem is the device certificate or the missing license as explained here.
- Check the network connection between the Firewall Data Services service route, source IP, and the ACE server, destination FQDN:
traceroute host
- Note: This command is valid in case Management is used as Data Services service route and the is the FQDN of the ACE server found in the output of 5.a. Otherwise add source to the command followed by the IP address of the dataplane interface used as service route.
- Check if connection is established on port 443 between the Firewall and the ACE server:
show netstat numeric-hosts yes numeric-ports yes | match
- Where would be the IP address of the ACE server resolved by the DNS server in 5.b
- Check Firewall system logs related to this MP connection:
show log system subtype equal app-cloud-engine direction equal backward
- As last resort and if needing to restart the connection between FW MP and ACE server use:
debug cloud-appid reset connection-to-cloud
- Check the cloud connection status to the Firewall MP.
- Troubleshoot the connection between Firewall Data Plane (DP) and Content Cloud (filemanager):
- Check the cloud connection status to the Firewall DP.
show ctd-agent status security-client
- Note: under the section "Security Client Ace" the cloud connection should show connected and Pool state should show Ready (2).
- Check the network connection between the Firewall Data Services service route, source IP, and the Content Cloud (filemanager) server, destination FQDN:
traceroute host
- Note: This command is valid in case Management is used as Data Services service route and the is the FQDN of the Content Cloud server found in the output of 6.a. Otherwise add source to the command followed by the IP address of the dataplane interface used as service route and the proper FQDN depending on your region.
- Check if connection is established on port 443 between the Firewall and the Content Cloud (filemanager) server:
show netstat numeric-hosts yes numeric-ports yes | match
- Where would be the IP address of the Content Cloud server resolved by the DNS server in 6.b
- Check Firewall system logs related to this DP connection:
show log system subtype equal ctd-agent-connection direction equal backward
- As last resort and if needing to restart the connection between FW DP and Content Cloud server use the following CLI with great caution knowing that it is very disruptive as it also affects other Firewall's inline cloud analysis services (IOT, enterprise DLP, advanced URL filtering).
debug software restart process ctd-agent
- Note: Restarting ctd-agent will reset the connection between Firewall DP and the Content Cloud server.
- Check the cloud connection status to the Firewall DP.
Additional Information
Prepare to Deploy APP-ID Cloud Engine
Troubleshoot APP-ID Cloud Engine
The Firewall maintains two connections to the cloud: One connection from Firewall MP to ACE server and another connection from Firewall DP to Content Cloud server.
Below is an example of the output of a good connection between FW and ACE.
> show ctd-agent status security-client
Security Client Ace(1)
Current cloud server:
Cloud connection: connected
Number of gRPC connections: 2, Number of workers: 5
Debug level: 2, Insecure connection: false, Cert valid: true, Key valid: true, CA count: 383
Maximum number of workers: 10
Maximum number of sessions a worker should process before reconnect: 1024
Maximum number of messages per worker: 0
Skip cert verify: false
Grpc Connection Status:
State Ready (3), last err <nil>
Pool state: Ready (2)
last update: 2023-04-10 11:29:18.888023715 -0700 PDT m=+330284.693222939
last connection retry: 2023-04-10 09:27:50.049422541 -0700 PDT m=+322995.854622294
last pool close: 2023-04-10 09:27:32.141236266 -0700 PDT m=+322977.946435573
26 Aug 24 (Vijay) - Article updated with correction (OCSP R-003933)