HSCI port on PA-5410, PA-5420, PA-5430 or PA-5440 does not come up when connecting PAN-QSFP28-AOC-10M parts
Created On 06/15/23 17:33 PM - Last Modified 09/08/23 10:01 AM
- HSCI port on PA-5410, PA-5420, PA-5430 or PA-5440 does not come up when connecting PAN-QSFP28-AOC-10M Cable.
- Replacing the cable with another PAN-QSFP28-AOC-10M does not solve the issue.
- Plugging the same cable in a PA-5450 HSCI 100G port works with no issues.
- Plugging Finisair FCBN410QD3C10 10M into PA-5430 HSCI port using 40G works as expected.
- Any PAN-OS
- PA-5410, PA-5420, PA-5430, and PA-5440
The HSCI cable PAN-QSFP28-AOC-10M capable of 100G is not supported on 40G HSCI port of PA-5410, PA-5420, PA-5430 or PA-5440
Replace unsupported PAN-QSFP28-AOC-10M with PAN-QSFP-AOC-10M parts