Mismatch in Failed Alerts in Prisma Cloud Compliance Overview page
Created On 10/20/23 04:46 AM - Last Modified 10/20/23 04:49 AM
- After visiting Compliance Overview, a random Compliance Standard and Failed is selected
- A Random Asset is selected (cf-templates-pc3tpb380cqp-us-east-1 in our case)
- It shows 1 Low Alert and 0 other Alerts
- However, once we click on the Low Alert, it shows 2 Low Alerts + 1 Medium Alert
- Prisma Cloud
- The Asset Sidecar that opens when you click on the Asset name or Alert Count is unrelated to Compliance in any way
- When calling the Endpoint (On Asset Inventory page), we are passing an additional filter of Compliance Standard
- However, when you click on the Resource name, it gets all the details for that Resource without any filters
- This is expected as per current design
Additional Information
- If you wish to see any changes to this current behaviour, you can raise an RFE here : https://prismacloud.ideas.aha.io/