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GlobalProtect agent shows "Connecting" or "Still Working" in System tray GUI even when connected

GlobalProtect agent shows "Connecting" or "Still Working" in System tray GUI even when connected

Created On 01/18/22 16:48 PM - Last Modified 08/29/22 21:19 PM


  • GlobalProtect agent shows "Connecting" or "Still Working" in System tray GUI and user shows connected in the firewall Web GUI.
  • GP client  'Connection' tab is empty with no output.
  • PanGPS logs display "Error processing receive data" and other errors
(P4788-T7276)Error( 370): 11/10/21 14:01:57:885 read() failed: 10054
(P4788-T7276)Info ( 219): 11/10/21 14:01:57:885 Error processing receive data from client
(P4788-T7276)Info ( 228): 11/10/21 14:01:57:885 close client socket


    • GlobalProtect App for Windows


    This error message in PANGPS logs indicates an issue with the installation / upgrade process.


    1. Completely remove GlobalProtect from the client machine and reinstall.
    2. Disable WMI services : run - services.msc - Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI) - stop the service.
    3. Delete the files under C:\Windows\System32\wbem\Repository
    4. Open regedit
      Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software and HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software. Delete the Palo Alto Networks folder.
    5. Delete the same if the same folder is present in any other user under HKEY_USERS.
    6. Un-install GlobalProtect from Windows 'program and features'.
    7. Make sure that the virtual adapter in not present in the Network adapter settings.
    8. Reboot the machine.
    9. Reinstall GlobalProtect with admin privileges.
    10. Confirm that WMI service is running.

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