What effect does Packet Buffer Protection have if it is enabled globally but not enabled on Zones?

What effect does Packet Buffer Protection have if it is enabled globally but not enabled on Zones?

Created On 04/23/20 00:07 AM - Last Modified 06/01/23 16:31 PM


  • "PBP Packet Drop" threat logs are observed for traffic in Zones without Packet Buffer Protection enabled.

  • Packet Buffer Protection (PBP) is enabled globally under: [ Device > Setup > Session > Session Settings > Packet Buffer Protection ]
  • Packet Buffer Protection is not enabled on the Zone, or not enabled on any Zones



  • PAN-OS 8.0
  • PAN-OS 8.1
  • PAN-OS 9.0
  • PAN-OS 9.1


This is working as expected.

Whenever Packet Buffer Protection is enabled globally, it will protect sessions abusing the Packet Buffers by executing RED (Drops). This will result in triggering:
  • Threat ID: 8507 / Threat type: Flood / Threat name: PBP Packet Drop

When Packet Buffer Protection is then enabled per-zone, the protection is extended to add Discard/Block actions, triggering:
  • Threat ID: 8508 / Threat type: Flood / Threat name: PBP Session Discarded
  • Threat ID: 8509 / Threat type: Flood / Threat name: PBP IP Blocked

A quick reference to understand the differences between these actions:
  • RED = randomly dropping traffic belonging to offending session or offending host
  • Discard = Set offending session state to Discard (only if there is a session depleting resources)
  • Block = Block the source IP (usually for slow-path resource depletion - no active session present)


If global Packet Buffer Protection is causing unwanted drops, increase the activate threshold to a higher value (i.e. 80%) or disable global Packet Buffer Protection (not recommended).

Additional Information

PA-5200 Series have a mapping issue (ref. PAN-119914 resolved in PAN-OS 10.0.0) that will cause Global Packet Buffer Protection to write incorrect Threat log entries as "PBP Session Discarded", when in reality is executing a "PBP Packet Drop". This issue is only affecting the way in which the firewall reports its action, but not its carried out action.

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