GlobalProtect App Dynamic Configuration misses information for 'show-system-tray-notifications' Commit Warnings
Created On 04/06/20 17:55 PM - Last Modified 04/28/20 14:39 PM
- Receiving commit warnings for every GlobalProtect agent config on the Portal(s)
Config 'Agent-1': GlobalProtect App Dynamic Configuration misses information for 'show-system-tray-notifications'.
- Panorama/Firewalls
- Apps&Threats version greater than 8252
The system tray notification was deprecated with GlobalProtect version 4.1 and removed with content update 8252-6025.
To resolve on a firewall without Panorama management:
Via GUI:
- Open each Portal and and click on the Agent tab
- Open each agent configuration
- Do not make any changes and then click ok
- Once this has been done for each agent config click OK again to close the GP Portal window
- Commit to the firewall
Via CLI:
- Enter the following command:
delete global-protect global-protect-portal <Portal Name> client-config configs <Agent config> gp-app-config config show-system-tray-notifications
- Commit the changes
To resolve on a firewall with Panorama management:
- Make sure the Panorama has a Apps&Threats version greater than 8252
- From the Panorama CLI run this command for each template, portal, and agent config:
delete template <Template> config vsys <vsys> global-protect global-protect-portal <Portal Name> client-config configs <Agent Config> gp-app-config config show-system-tray-notifications