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GlobalProtect App Dynamic Configuration misses information for ... - Knowledge Base - Palo Alto Networks

GlobalProtect App Dynamic Configuration misses information for 'show-system-tray-notifications' Commit Warnings

Created On 04/06/20 17:55 PM - Last Modified 04/28/20 14:39 PM


  • Receiving commit warnings for every GlobalProtect agent config on the Portal(s)
Config 'Agent-1':
GlobalProtect App Dynamic Configuration misses information for 'show-system-tray-notifications'.



  • Panorama/Firewalls
  • Apps&Threats version greater than 8252


The system tray notification was deprecated with GlobalProtect version 4.1 and removed with content update 8252-6025.


To resolve on a firewall without Panorama management:
Via GUI:
  1. Open each Portal and and click on the Agent tab
  2. Open each agent configuration
  3. Do not make any changes and then click ok
  4. Once this has been done for each agent config click OK again to close the GP Portal window
  5. Commit to the firewall

Via CLI:
  1. Enter the following command:
delete global-protect global-protect-portal <Portal Name> client-config configs <Agent config> gp-app-config config show-system-tray-notifications
  1. Commit the changes

To resolve on a firewall with Panorama management:
  1. Make sure the Panorama has a Apps&Threats version greater than 8252
  2. From the Panorama CLI run this command for each template, portal, and agent config:
delete template <Template> config vsys <vsys> global-protect global-protect-portal <Portal Name> client-config configs <Agent Config> gp-app-config config show-system-tray-notifications


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