Commit warning: GlobalProtect App Dynamic Configuration misses information for 'show-system-tray-notifications'.

Commit warning: GlobalProtect App Dynamic Configuration misses information for 'show-system-tray-notifications'.

Created On 04/05/20 20:17 PM - Last Modified 04/27/20 21:25 PM


  • After making a configuration change on the firewall and executing a commit, the commit is successful but the following warning message is seen
    Config 'GP2003_Agent_Config':
    GlobalProtect App Dynamic Configuration misses information for 'show-system-tray-notifications'.
    (Module: sslvpn)
    Configuration comitted successfully


  • PA-5020
  • PanOS 8.1.10
  • Apps and Threats Version: 8256-6035
  • GlobalProtect portal configuration


  • The show-system-tray-notifications dynamic config was removed in content update 8252-6025 since it was no longer honored by GlobalProtect.
  • The warning is expected and won't cause anything harmful.


To resolve the warning, take the following steps:
  1. Enter configuration mode in the CLI:
admin@MY-LAB-PA-820> configure
Entering configuration mode
  1. Enter the following command and verify that you receive a response that the object was successfully deleted.
admin@MY-LAB-PA-820# delete global-protect global-protect-portal GP2003_Portal client-config configs GP2003_Agent_Config gp-app-config config show-system-tray-notifications

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