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Failed to upgrade VM Panorama error "Nothing to install into /mnt/swm/pancfg/..."

Failed to upgrade VM Panorama error "Nothing to install into /mnt/swm/pancfg/..."

Created On 04/03/20 03:54 AM - Last Modified 11/05/20 00:42 AM


Firmware installation of 9.0.6 or above fails on VM Panorama in Legacy mode with the error:
Failed to install 9.0.6 with the following errors.
SW version is 9.0.6
Installing [content ] into partition "pancfg"
Nothing to install into /mnt/swm/pancfg/...
Installing [maint ] into partition "maint"
Nothing to install into /mnt/swm/maint/...
Manifest component "dynamic" unknown, skipping
Installing [panos ] into partition "sysroot1"
Installing packages into /mnt/swm/sysroot1/...
Installing: filesystem-3.2-30.pan
Installing: libgcc-4.8.5-4.el7
Installing: ncurses-base-5.9-15.pan
Installing: centos-release-7-2.1511.el7.centos.3
Installing: setup-2.8.71-8.pan
Installing: filesystem-3.2-30.pan
Installing: bind-license-9.9.4-31.pan
Installing: fontpackages-filesystem-1.44-9.pan
Installing: dejavu-fonts-common-2.33-7.pan
Installing: basesystem-10.0-8.pan
Installing: tzdata-2018g-1.pan
Installing: nss-softokn-freebl-
Installing: glibc-common-2.17-110.pan
Installing: glibc-2.17-110.pan
Installing: libstdc++-4.8.5-4.el7
Installing: ncurses-libs-5.9-15.pan
Installing: bash-4.2.46-21.pan
Installing: pcre-8.32-16.pan
Installing: xz-libs-5.1.2-13.pan
Installing: libsepol-2.1.9-4.pan
Installing: libselinux-2.2.2-11.pan
Installing: zlib-1.2.7-15.pan
Installing: libcom_err-1.42.9-8.pan
Installing: libxml2-2.9.4-1.pan
Installing: libuuid-2.23.2-32.pan
Installing: grep-2.20-2.pan
Installing: readline-6.2-11.pan
Installing: bzip2-libs-1.0.6-13.pan
Installing: popt-1.13-17.pan
Installing: chkconfig-1.3.61-7.pan
Installing: freetype-2.4.11-12.pan
Installing: nspr-4.10.8-4.pan
Installing: audit-libs-2.4.1-6.pan
Installing: sqlite-3.7.17-8.pan
Installing: tcp_wrappers-libs-7.6-78.pan
Installing: expat-2.1.0-9.pan
Installing: libattr-2.4.46-12.pan
Installing: libcap-2.22-9.pan
Installing: libacl-2.2.51-12.pan
Installing: sed-4.2.2-6.pan
Installing: nss-util-3.19.1-5.pan
Installing: gawk-4.0.2-4.pan



  • VM Panorama in Legacy mode 
  • PAN-OS 9.0.6 and above  


  • 9.0.6 and above are larger codes and they need more resources, so the upgrade will fail if there aren't enough resources available.
  • The upgrade to 9.0.6 or above, needs more space in root partition along with more CPU and RAM.
  • If the Panorama has only 8GB RAM and 4CPUs, then upgrade to at least 16GB and 8CPUs. Which can be verified by cli command 'show system info'
> show system info
model: Panorama
vm-mode: VMware ESXi
system-mode: legacy
operational-mode: normal
num-cpus: 4
ram-in-gb: 8



  1. Recommendation is to increase the VM capacity or migrate from Legacy to Panorama mode.
As a best practice, deploy the new virtual appliance in Panorama mode to optimize log storage and report generation. Click here for further details. 

Additional Information

  • On new deployments running 9.1.0 and onward, legacy mode is NOT supported, please convert legacy mode into Panorama mode.
  • On existing deployments upgrading from 9.0 to 9.1, operating in legacy mode can still be supported
  • Please see the link regarding setup and prerequisites for the Panorama virtual appliance.
  • Requirement for Panorama virtual appliance in Panorama mode:
System disk : 81GB
16 CPUs
32GB memory
4x2TB logging disks (atleast 2 TB space for log storage)
Supports up to 10,000 logs/sec
Manage up to 500 managed devices


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