How do you read a Palo Alto Networks Antivirus signature name?
Created On 04/02/20 16:12 PM - Last Modified 09/19/23 12:20 PM
How do you read an Antivirus signature name? What does it mean?
Figure 1 - a picture of a virus name in the firewall threat logs.
Figure 2 - a picture of a virus name as seen in Threat Vault. (
With Palo Alto Networks antivirus signatures, the naming convention follows the following guideline:
So in in Figure 1, from Worm/Win32.vobfus.kfnw you can discern:
- type is Worm
- platform is Win32
- family is vobfus
- and it is the kfnw variation of the vobfus worm
Likewise in Figure 2, with Virus/OSX.WGeneric.lmaji :
- type is Virus
- platform is OSX
- family is WGeneric which means classified in the general family of viruses (versus being identified as a part of a single known virus family)
- and it is the lmaji variation of said virus family (in this case WGeneric)