NSX Service Manager is missing with ‘invalid identifier’ error

NSX Service Manager is missing with ‘invalid identifier’ error

Created On 03/12/20 03:12 AM - Last Modified 07/19/22 23:17 PM


  • Service Manager configured on Panorama VM deployed in AWS is unable to Register with NSX Manager. While trying to trigger NSX ConfigSync, it prompts error “failed to execute command” 
User-added image
  • Attempt to trigger NSX Config Sync from Panorama Service Manager and it would prompt error “failed to execute command”
  • Review configd logs to identify the failure event for the above NSX config sync operation            
 2019-01-18 15:21:08.674 +0530 debug: pan_cfg_execute_mgmtop(pan_ops_common.c:38652): OPCMD /opt/plugins/panlib/1.0/usr/bin/python              /opt/plugins/installed/vmware_nsx/scripts/op/config-sync.py param="\<operations\ xml\=\"yes\"\ type\=\"union\"\>\<request\                    type\=\"union\"\>\<plugins\ type\=\"union\"\>\<vmware\_nsx\ type\=\"union\"\>\<config\-sync\ type\=\"sequence\"\>\<nsx\-mgr\                  type\=\"string\"\>Test\<\/nsx\-mgr\>\<\/config\sync\>\<\/vmware\_nsx\>\<\/plugins\>\<\/request\>\<\/operations\>“ sh: line 0: export:          `nsx-mgr=Test': not a valid identifier
  •  Above log snippet shows op command was not executed due to invalid identifier (Panorama Service Manager)
  • Attempt a config sync from root using below curl command:
            # curl -k -u <user>:<password> https://<nsx_mgr_ip>/api/2.0/endpointsecurity/registration
<h1>HTTP Status 405 - Request method 'GET' not supported</h1>
       <HR size="1" noshade="noshade">
  • Above response returned for curl shows HTTP 405 error


  • Platform: Panorama   
  • Deployment: Any   


  • Panorama VM was deployed in AWS which is not a supported scenario


  • Not a supported deployment
  • Refer PLUG-1470 for future enhancements to support this scenario

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