Dynamic updates check failing on Palo Alto firewall-VM deployed on Azure as no public ip on management interface
Created On 04/25/19 11:47 AM - Last Modified 05/06/19 07:13 AM
Dynamic updates, check failed on Palo Alto firewall-VM deployed on Azure as no public IP on the management interface.
Palo Alto Firewall on Azure.
Dynamic updates check will fail on Palo Alto firewall-VM deployed on Azure if no public IP is configured on the management interface.
The steps to configure and Assign Public IP to the management interface of the Palo Alto Firewall and eth0 interface on Azure are as follows:
You need to visit the Resource Group on Azure where the Firewall is deployed:
Click on the eth0 interface:
Click on the IP configuration option and then click the IP address.
Enable the Public IP address option.
Click IP address and choose the Public IP address or Click Create New:
Enter Name:
Select SKU and then Choose Static
Now Click OK and Save Configurations.
Return to the firewall web interface Device > Dynamic Updates and click check now option.
Additional Information
Dynamic Updates Display Error after Clicking on Check Now Button.