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FQDN Refresh Job Fails - Knowledge Base - Palo Alto Networks

FQDN Refresh Job Fails

Created On 03/29/19 03:11 AM - Last Modified 12/06/24 09:57 AM


The FQDN Refresh job failed.

admin@PA-220> show jobs all

Enqueued Dequeued ID PositionInQ Type Status Result Completed
2019/03/13 08:44:35 08:44:35 379 Commit FIN OK 08:45:02
2019/03/13 08:39:47 08:39:47 378 FqdnRefresh FIN FAIL 08:39:59
2019/03/13 08:09:45 08:09:45 377 FqdnRefresh FIN FAIL 08:10:55
2019/03/13 07:39:44 07:39:44 375 FqdnRefresh FIN FAIL 07:39:56
2019/03/13 07:09:43 07:09:43 374 FqdnRefresh FIN FAIL 07:09:53
2019/03/13 06:39:41 06:39:41 372 FqdnRefresh FIN FAIL 06:39:53
2019/03/13 06:09:40 06:09:40 371 FqdnRefresh FIN FAIL 06:09:50
2019/03/13 05:39:39 05:39:39 369 FqdnRefresh FIN FAIL 05:39:51
2019/03/13 05:09:37 05:09:37 368 FqdnRefresh FIN FAIL 05:09:50
2019/03/13 04:39:36 04:39:36 366 FqdnRefresh FIN FAIL 04:39:50
2019/03/13 04:09:35 04:09:35 365 FqdnRefresh FIN FAIL 04:09:47
2019/03/13 03:39:33 03:39:33 363 FqdnRefresh FIN FAIL 03:39:47
2019/03/13 03:09:32 03:09:32 362 FqdnRefresh FIN FAIL 03:09:45
2019/03/13 02:39:31 02:39:31 360 FqdnRefresh FIN FAIL 02:39:46
2019/03/13 02:09:30 02:09:30 359 FqdnRefresh FIN FAIL 02:09:41


  • NGFW
  • Supported PANOS versions


This occurs when the management server or device server are stuck with a certain process.


The following steps can help you resolve the issue:

Step 1: Restart management server and device-server process. 
admin@PA-220> debug software restart process device-server

Process devsrvr was restarted by user admin
admin@PA-220> debug software restart process management-server

Process mgmtsrvr was restarted by user admin

Step 2: This will disconnect your management session.
Step 3: Exit the CLI and reconnect. Wait for the management server to return.
admin@PA-220> request system fqdn refresh 

FQDN refresh command successful.
admin@PA-220> show jobs all

Enqueued              Dequeued           ID  PositionInQ                              Type                         Status Result Completed 
2019/03/29 11:33:54   11:30:50            4                                    FqdnRefresh                            FIN     OK 11:33:56
2019/03/29 11:30:50   11:30:50            3                                       WildFire                            FIN     OK 11:31:38  
2019/03/29 11:30:17   11:30:17            2                                         Downld                            FIN     OK 11:30:23



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