How to Update the Antivirus Database on a Log Collector

How to Update the Antivirus Database on a Log Collector

Created On 09/27/18 09:51 AM - Last Modified 06/01/23 08:17 AM



There are two methods to update the Dynamic Updates on a log collector:


From the CLI:

Note: There is no WebGUI access on a dedicated M-100 Log Collector

  1. Check for new updates
    > request anti-virus upgrade check
    Version              Size          Released on Downloaded  Installed
    1195-1660            82MB 2014/01/22  04:00:01        yes    current
    1236-1702            72MB 2014/03/20  04:00:01        no        no
  2. Download the latest updates
    > request antivirus upgrade download latest
    Download job enqueued with jobid 19
  3. Install the latest version
    > request antivirus upgrade install version latest
    Content install job enqueued with jobid 20

    As with every job, this command will check the status of the job:
    > show jobs id 19

    Enqueued                    ID            Type    Status Result Completed
    2014/03/20 13:34:21          19          Downld      FIN    OK 13:35:02
    Details:File successfully downloaded

    > show jobs id 20
    Enqueued                    ID            Type    Status Result Completed
    2014/03/20 13:37:27          20          Install      FIN    OK 13:37:40


From the WebGUI (using Panorama):

    1. Go to the Panorama > Device Deployment > Dynamic Updates, to find all the dynamic updates
    2. Download the dynamic update to install on the log collector:
      Screen Shot 2014-03-17 at 16.00.40.png
    3. Click on Antivirus to install:
      Screen Shot 2014-03-17 at 16.16.30.png
    4. Select the log collectors to update, as shown below:
      Screen Shot 2014-03-17 at 16.04.24.png
    5. The install the Content box will appear, and under Details there will be a message as shown below:
      Screen Shot 2014-03-17 at 16.11.43.png
    6. Verify on the log collector if the update was successful, as shown in the CLI command below:
      > show jobs id 6
      Enqueued                    ID        Type            Status  Result Completed
      2014/03/17 16:04:46          6        Antivirus      FIN    OK    16:04:47
      Details: Configuration committed successfully
      Successfully committed last configuration
    7. Verify through the CLI that the M-100 shows the latest version by repeating the command:
      > request anti-virus upgrade check
      Version              Size          Released on Downloaded  Installed
      1195-1660            82MB 2014/01/22  04:00:01        yes  previous
      1236-1702            72MB 2014/03/20  04:00:01        yes    current


      > show system info
      (and look for)
      av-version: 1236-1702
      av-release-date: 2014/03/20  04:00:01


owner: rvanderveken

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