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How to Determine if Session was Decrypted Based on Flags in Exp... - Knowledge Base - Palo Alto Networks

How to Determine if Session was Decrypted Based on Flags in Exported/Syslog Logs

Created On 09/26/18 13:55 PM - Last Modified 08/22/24 09:20 AM



To determine if the session was decrypted by forward proxy, check the 'Flags' field in the exported/forwarded traffic/threat logs.



The 'Flags' field is a sum of multiple values describing the session in more detail. If the sum of a bitwise AND operation on the 'Flags' field and the value 0x01000000 is greater than 0 then the session was decrypted by forward proxy.


Example log entries:

Jul 27 23:20:45 1,2013/07/27 23:20:45,007200001038,TRAFFIC,end,1,2013/07/27 23:20:44,,,,,l3,,,web-browsing,vsys1,l3-trust,l3-untrust,ethernet1/4,ethernet1/3,ubuntu1,2013/07/27 23:20:45,22162,1,1690,443,26104,443,0x1400000,tcp,allow,10535,1339,9196,21,2013/07/27 23:18:43,61,search-engines,0,11498,0x0,,United States,0,9,12


Jul 27 23:22:52 1,2013/07/27 23:22:52,007200001038,TRAFFIC,end,1,2013/07/27 23:22:52,,,,,l3,,,ssl,vsys1,l3-trust,l3-untrust,ethernet1/4,ethernet1/3,ubuntu1,2013/07/27 23:22:52,22221,1,1699,443,54395,443,0x400000,tcp,allow,116882,5721,111161,131,2013/07/27 23:21:14,68,content-delivery-networks,0,11523,0x0,,United States,0,48,83


Jul 27 23:55:17 1,2013/07/27 23:55:17,007200001038,THREAT,virus,1,2013/07/27 23:55:11,,,,,l3,,,web-browsing,vsys1,l3-untrust,l3-trust,ethernet1/3,ethernet1/4,ubuntu1,2013/07/27 23:55:16,22631,1,443,1721,443,33657,0x81400000,tcp,deny,"",Eicar Test File(100000),any,medium,server-to-client,1939,0x0,Germany,,0,


In this example, the decryption on the Palo Alto Networks firewall is enabled for the following categories: "search-engines" and "computer-and-internet-info".

First log:

Category: "search-engines" (e.g., decryption is enabled)
Flags: 0x1400000

0x1400000 & 0x01000000  = 0x01000000 >0 this means session was decrypted

0x1400000 & 0x00400000  = 0x00400000 this means session was natted


Second log:

Category: "content-delivery-networks" (e.g., decryption is not enabled)
Flags: 0x400000

0x400000 & 0x01000000  = 0 this means session was not decrypted

0x400000 & 0x00400000  = 0x400000 this means session was natted


Third log:

Category: "computer-and-internet-info" (e.g., decryption is enabled. Category is not visible in Threat log)
Flags: 0x81400000

0x81400000 & 0x80000000  = 0x80000000 this means there is a packet capture for the session

0x81400000 & 0x01000000  = 0x01000000 >0 this means session was decrypted

0x81400000 & 0x00400000  = 0x00400000 this means session was natted


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