How to Verify if a Process was Restarted Manually
Created On 09/25/18 20:39 PM - Last Modified 06/12/23 08:26 AM
When a process restarts, it may be useful to know if it occurred automatically or due to manual intervention
This can be verified by looking at the masterd.log file:
- Open a CLI session to the firewall.
- Use one of the following two commands to read the masterd.log file:
- > less mp-log masterd.log
- > tail mp-log masterd.log
In the following example, the routed process was restarted manually:
2014-08-26 13:43:35.194 +0200 INFO: routed: received user restart
2014-08-26 13:43:35.194 +0200 INFO: routed: User restart reason - triggered by CLI
2014-08-26 13:43:35.195 +0200 INFO: routed: received user stop
owner: rvanderveken