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How to Decrypt IKE and ESP Packets on a Palo Alto Networks Devi... - Knowledge Base - Palo Alto Networks

How to Decrypt IKE and ESP Packets on a Palo Alto Networks Device

Created On 09/25/18 20:36 PM - Last Modified 06/12/23 10:32 AM




When ipsec tunnels terminate on a Palo Alto Networks firewall, it is possible to decrypt the traffic using the keys registered under ikemg.log. This can be very useful for troubleshooting ike, and performance issues with ipsec tunnels such as packet-loss and out-of-order packets.




On this article, we will illustrate how to decrypt ikev1 on main mode and ESP packet using the following topology. The same steps can be used with ikev2.


By default, the debugging level of ikemgr is normal. To log the negotiated authentication and encryption keys, we must increase the debugging level to dump.


admin@FW1> debug ike global show normal

admin@FW1> debug ike global on dump

admin@FW1> debug ike global show dump


Packets can be captured anywhere between FW1 and FW2. On our test setup, we will take packet captures on FW1 following this guide

To capture clear and encrypted data between User1 and User2 we are going to use the following filters.


admin@FW1> debug dataplane packet-diag show setting


Packet diagnosis setting:


Packet filter

  Enabled:                   yes

  Match pre-parsed packet:   no

  Index 1:[0]->[0], proto 0

           ingress-interface any, egress-interface any, exclude non-IP

           ingress-interface any, egress-interface any, exclude non-IP

  Index 2:[0]->[0], proto 0

           ingress-interface any, egress-interface any, exclude non-IP

           ingress-interface any, egress-interface any, exclude non-IP



  Enabled:                   no

  Log-throttle:              no

  Sync-log-by-ticks:         yes




Packet capture

  Enabled:                   yes

  Snaplen:                   0

  Stage receive           :  file rx

    Captured:     packets - 0          bytes - 0

    Maximum:      packets - 0          bytes - 0

  Stage transmit          :  file tx

    Captured:     packets - 1          bytes - 0

    Maximum:      packets - 0          bytes - 0

  Stage drop              :  file dr

    Captured:     packets - 0          bytes - 0

    Maximum:      packets - 0          bytes - 0


At this point, we need to bounce the ipsec tunnel to start a new negotiation process and log the ipsec phase1 and phase2 keys.


admin@FW1> clear vpn ike-sa gateway TO-FW2

admin@FW1> clear vpn ipsec-sa tunnel To-FW2


Then generate Traffic between User1 and User2 and make sure that the tunnel is up.


admin@FW1> show vpn ike-sa gateway TO-FW2


IKEv1 phase-1 SAs

GwID/client IP  Peer-Address           Gateway Name           Role Mode Algorithm             Established     Expiration      V  ST Xt P


--------------  ------------           ------------           ---- ---- ---------             -----------     ----------      -  -- -- -


1               TO-FW2               Init Main PSK/ DH2/A128/SHA1    Apr.08 21:57:04 Apr.08 22:03:04 v1 12 4  1


Show IKEv1 IKE SA: Total 2 gateways found. 1 ike sa found.


IKEv1 phase-2 SAs

GwID/client IP  Peer-Address           Gateway Name           Role Algorithm          SPI(in)  SPI(out) MsgID    ST Xt

--------------  ------------           ------------           ---- ---------          -------  -------- -----    -- --

1               TO-FW2               Init ESP/ DH5/tunl/SHA2 B57366C2 B82D7CDE 547B1BD5 9  1


Show IKEv1 phase2 SA: Total 2 gateways found. 1 ike sa found.


Decrypt ikev1 on main mode.


With ikev1, the identification and quick mode messages are encrypted. Sometimes it is necessary to decrypt them to verify which parameters were exchanged between the two peer.


Here is an example of an encrypted identification message.


identification message encrypted.png
To decrypt ikev1 messages, we need two pieces of information.


  • Initiator’s cookie that corresponds to the Initiator SPI on the packet capture. 294ff0e604e73f31
  • Encryption key that can be found on the ikemgr.log: Search for “cookie:294ff0e604e73f31” and then scroll through the negotiation messages untill you find the final computed encryption key.

2017-04-08 21:57:04 [DEBUG]: oakley.c:3157:oakley_compute_enckey(): final encryption key computed:

2017-04-08 21:57:04 [DEBUG]: oakley.c:3158:oakley_compute_enckey():

793f8697 cc0e8cdb 5851496c 0acff14c


Next, go to Wireshark > Edit > Preferences > Protocols > ISAKMP > IKEv1 Decryption Table and enter the Initiator’s COOKIE and Encryption key:


 ikev1 decryption table.png


And here is the decrypted identification message:

  identification message decrypted.png



Decrypt ESP packets.


Decrypting ESP packets follows the same principle as ike, but require more parameters.


esp ecrypted.png


  • Protocol: IPv4
  • Src IP: The source IP of the ESP packets you want to decrypt. For the example above
  • Dst IP: The destination IP of the ESP packets you want to decrypt. For the example above
  • ESP SPI: You can find it on the packet capture under Encapsulation Security Payload. In our example, it is 0xb82d7cde
  • Encryption and Authentication Algorithm: They are part of the output of ‘>show vpn flow ‘ command.

admin@FW1> show vpn flow name To-FW2 | match algorithm

        auth algorithm:         SHA256

        enc  algorithm:         AES128


  • Encryption and Authentication Key which can be found on the ikemgr.log:

21.93[500]/0, satype=141 (ESP), spi=, wsize=4, authtype=41 (SHA256), enctype=15 (AES128), saflags=0x0, samode=137 (tunl), reqi

d=0, lifetime hard time 180, bytes 0, lifetime soft time 146, bytes 0, enckey len=16 [3d6991e6a0f888d240c8d539a54676a7], authkey len=32



Next, go to Wireshark > Edit > Preferences > Protocols > ESP Decryption and select “Attempt to detect/decode encrypted ESP payloads”:


 attempt to detec and decode.png


Then edit the ESP SAs.

 esp sa.png


After that you will see the ESP packets decrypted.


esp decrypted.png

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