How to detect when Global Protect client fails to establish IPSec VPN tunnel with the GP Gateway

How to detect when Global Protect client fails to establish IPSec VPN tunnel with the GP Gateway

Created On 09/25/18 19:50 PM - Last Modified 04/27/20 18:03 PM



Global Protect gateway is configured with IPSec option enabled, meaning that GlobalProtect clients will always try to establish IPSec VPN tunnel when connecting to GlobalProtect Gateway. Should the IPSec connection fail, VPN will fall back to SSL protocol.


KB32 - GP IPSec vs SSL VPN detection.PNG




  • Pan-OS
  • Global Protect


If one wants to monitor when GlobalProtect clients fail to form IPSec tunnel and have ability to historically track down such conditions, it can be done using one of the two options explained below.


When the client connects to the Gateway via SSL, firewall generates the following entry in System Log:

2016/04/19 12:41:13 info     globalp GP-Gat globalp 0  GlobalProtect gateway client switch to SSL tunnel mode succeeded. User name: client2, Private IP:

So the first option would be to monitor system logs and detect this like entry as an indication of SSL VPN being established instead of IPSec VPN.


Furthermore, if rasmgr process is set to debug level (debug rasmgr on debug) the following lines are generated in rasmgr.log file when client forms IPSec tunnel:

2016-04-19 12:43:11.127 +0200 debug: sslvpn_tunnel_install_esp(src/rasmgr_sslvpn.c:2738): Installing GW Tunnel, indicate to keymgr

2016-04-19 12:43:23.129 +0200 debug: rasmgr_sslvpn_refresh(src/rasmgr_sslvpn.c:1901): portal GP-Gateway-N, user client2


When client falls back to SSL VPN tunnel, the following lines are generated in rasmgr.log file:

2016-04-19 12:41:13.472 +0200 debug: rasmgr_sysd_update_obj(src/rasmgr_sysd_if.c:1099): change tunnel.ssl.cmd.msg

2016-04-19 12:41:24.262 +0200 debug: rasmgr_sslvpn_refresh(src/rasmgr_sslvpn.c:1901): portal GP-Gateway-N, user client2

Additional Information

Here is some of the difference between the SSL connection VS IPSEC connection:
  • If IPSec is enabled on the Gateway it has precedence over SSL tunnel
  • There is no IKE negotiation as IPSec parameters are exchanged within SSL control session
  • Client will try IPSec connection on port 4501 first (UDP encapsulated ESP packet)
  • If there is no response from the gateway (traffic filtered?), client is falling back to SSL

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