How to Restart the Management server "mgmtsrvr" Process
Created On 09/25/18 19:36 PM - Last Modified 03/13/24 09:20 AM
- PAN-OS 9.1, 10.1, 10.2, 11.0
- Palo Alto Firewall or Panorama
- The management server process can be restarted using the cli command below.
FW> debug software restart process management-server
- After a couple of minutes, please log back into the CLI
- Check the Management server process, by running the CLI command show system software status | match mgmtsrvr
FW> show system software status | match mgmtsrvr
Process mgmtsrvr running (pid: 26187)
The process should be displayed as "running" and both CLI and WebUI functions correctly.
- The cli command "debug software restart process management-server" will restart the 'mgmtsrvr' process.
- If there are any logged in admins when this happens, they will be kicked from the WebGUI as well as the CLI.
- Typically restarting the management server process does not affect the packet forwarding except that the admin will be kicked out.
- It is always encouraged to perform any process restart during non-peak hours or during a maintenance window.
Additional Information
Generally management restart is done in one or more the following symptoms. If one is seeing the following symptoms and there is an immediate need for resolution prior working with TAC, then restarting management server "may" help.
- The WebGUI is sluggish or unresponsive
- Stale admin sessions are being displayed
- An authorization code has been entered but not activated or updated for a license
- Logs not showing in the WebGUI
- The CLI command show system resources displays the mgmtsrvr process consuming excessive memory