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How to Add/Delete Users from Ignore User List using Agentless U... - Knowledge Base - Palo Alto Networks

How to Add/Delete Users from Ignore User List using Agentless User-ID

Created On 09/25/18 19:30 PM - Last Modified 07/23/20 21:50 PM


This document describes the CLI commands that are used to add and delete users from the Ignore User List when using agentless User-ID. 


  • PAN-OS 7.1 and above.
  • Palo Alto Firewall.
  • Agentless User-ID configured.


The example outputs in this document are in set format. To change the output format, use the set cli config-output-format command:

> set cli config-output-format set

Single VSYS

  • To add a user to an ignore list:
# set user-id-collector ignore-user [ domain_name\user_name ]

For example:

> configure
# set user-id-collector ignore-user [ AD2008\test ]
# commit
  • To add multiple users to an ignore list:
# set user-id-collector ignore-user [ domain_name\user1 domain_name\user2 domain_name\user3 ...]
  • To add single user, do not use the square brackets.
# set user-id-collector ignore-user domain_name\user1
  • To delete a user from the ignore list, use the following command:
# delete user-id-collector ignore-user domain_name\user8

Note: If square brackets were used to add a single user, an error will occur when attempting to delete that user.

For example:

# delete  user-id-collector ignore-user [AD2008\test]

Server error : Unable to get schema node for xpath /config/devices/entry[@name='localhost.localdomain']
  • To delete all users from the ignore-user list, use the following command:
> configure
# delete user-id-collector ignore-user
# commit

Note: Verify using the show | match ignore command:

# show | match ignore


Multiple VSYS

  • To add a user to an ignore list:
# set vsys vsys1 user-id-collector ignore-user [ domain_name\user_name ]

For example:

> configure
# set vsys vsys1 user-id-collector ignore-user [ AD2008\test ]
# commit
  • Verify the user is in ignore list:
# show | match ignore
set vsys vsys1 user-id-collector ignore-user AD2008\test
  • To append to an existing ignore-list:
# set vsys vsys1 user-id-collector ignore-user [ domain_name\user1 domain_name\user2 ]
  • To delete one entry
> configure
# delete vsys vsys1 user-id-collector ignore-user domain_name\user
# commit

Note: The following error will occur if multiple entries are specified. See example below:

# delete vsys vsys1 user-id-collector ignore-user [ AD2008\test1 AD2008\test2 ]
[ is not a valid token
Invalid syntax.
  • To delete all ignore-list entries from a vsys
# delete vsys vsys1 user-id-collector ignore-user

Additional Information

Note: The ignore-user can also be configured from GUI as well
GUI: Device > User Identification > User Mapping > Palo Alto Networks User-ID Agent Setup

Ignore User

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