Tips & Tricks: Session Timeouts

Tips & Tricks: Session Timeouts

Created On 09/25/18 18:55 PM - Last Modified 08/05/24 14:18 PM


A session timeout defines how long PAN-OS maintains a session on the firewall after inactivity in the session. By default, when the session timeout for the protocol expires, PAN-OS closes the session.


On the firewall, you can define a number of timeouts for TCP, UDP, and ICMP sessions. The default timeout applies to any other type of session. All of these timeouts are global, meaning they apply to all of the sessions of that type on the firewall.


The Palo Alto Network devices offer optimal values for these timeouts. However, in some scenarios, these values might not work for your network needs. Setting a number too low can cause sensitivity to minor network delays and adversely affect connecting with the firewall. Setting a session timeout that's too high can delay failure detection. In other words, you might find yourself in a situation where you'd like to make some adjustments here and there.


In the WebGUI, you'll find these settings at Device > Setup > Session > Session timeout




If you need to change the default values of the global session timeout settings for TCP, UDP, ICMP, Captive Portal authentication, or other types of sessions, click the 'Edit' icon:



Note that all the values are in seconds:



Please refer to the following document for a more detailed explanation about each timeout:

Configure Session Timeouts


In addition to the global settings, you can optionally define timeouts for an individual application in the Objects > Applications tab. The firewall applies application timeouts to applications in an established state. When configured, timeouts for an application override the global session timeouts.

Only new session will be assessed for modified timeout value, no impact on existing sessions.

Notice the available options for the DNS application in the following example:



 Alternatively, you can also use the CLI to view these timeouts: 


> show session info

Session timeout
  TCP default timeout:                           3600 secs
  TCP session timeout before SYN-ACK received:      5 secs
  TCP session timeout before 3-way handshaking:    10 secs
  TCP half-closed session timeout:                120 secs
  TCP session timeout in TIME_WAIT:                15 secs
  TCP session timeout for unverified RST:          30 secs
  UDP default timeout:                             30 secs
  ICMP default timeout:                             6 secs
  other IP default timeout:                        30 secs
  Captive Portal session timeout:                  30 secs
  Session timeout in discard state:
    TCP: 90 secs, UDP: 60 secs, other IP protocols: 60 secs


You can also edit the values in the CLI. Following is the list of global timeout values as seen in operational mode:


> set session timeout-tcp <1-15999999>
> set session timeout-udp <1-15999999>
> set session timeout-icmp <1-15999999>
> set session timeout-default <1-15999999>
> set session timeout-tcpinit <1-60>
> set session timeout-tcphandshake <1-60>
> set session timeout-tcp-half-closed <1-604800>
> set session timeout-tcp-unverified-rst <1-600>
> set session timeout-tcp-time-wait <1-600>
> set session timeout-captive-portal <1-15999999>
> set session timeout-scan <5-30>
> set session timeout-discard-tcp <1-15999999>
> set session timeout-discard-udp <1-15999999>
> set session timeout-discard-default <1-15999999>


Here is the same list with a comment about each timeout:


> set session 
 timeout-captive-portal       set captive portal session timeout value in seconds
 timeout-default              set session default timeout value in seconds
 timeout-discard-default      set timeout of non-tcp/udp session in discard state
 timeout-discard-tcp          set timeout of tcp session in discard state
 timeout-discard-udp          set timeout of udp session in discard state
 timeout-icmp                 timeout-icmp
 timeout-scan                 application trickling timeout value in seconds
 timeout-tcp                  timeout-tcp
 timeout-tcp-half-closed      set session tcp half closed timeout value in seconds
 timeout-tcp-time-wait        set session tcp half closed timeout value in seconds
 timeout-tcp-unverified-rst   set session tcp timeout value after receiving a RST 
with unverified sequence number in seconds
 timeout-tcphandshake         set session tcp handshake timeout value in seconds
 timeout-tcpinit              set session tcp initial timeout value in seconds
 timeout-udp                  timeout-udp 


Here are examples :

> set session timeout-udp 60
> set session timeout-icmp 15


Note that the above CLI commands are not persistent, meaning that default values return after restarting the device.



To make the changes persistent, you will have to make the configuration changes in configuration mode.


> configure


Below is the list of global timeout values as seen in configuration mode and two example commands:


# set deviceconfig setting session 
+ timeout-captive-portal       set captive-portal session timeout value in seconds
+ timeout-default              set session default timeout value in seconds
+ timeout-discard-default      set timeout of non-tcp/udp session in discard state
+ timeout-discard-tcp          set timeout of tcp session in discard state
+ timeout-discard-udp          set timeout of udp session in discard state
+ timeout-icmp                 set icmp timeout value in seconds
+ timeout-scan                 application trickling timeout value in seconds
+ timeout-tcp                  set tcp timeout value in seconds
+ timeout-tcp-half-closed      set session tcp half close timeout (after receiving first 
FIN/RST) value in seconds
+ timeout-tcp-time-wait        set session tcp time wait timeout (after receiving second 
FIN/RST) value in seconds
+ timeout-tcp-unverified-rst   set session tcp timeout value after receiving a RST with 
unverified sequence number in seconds
+ timeout-tcphandshake         set tcp handshake session timeout (before 3-way handshaking 
is completed) value in seconds
+ timeout-tcpinit              set tcp initial session timeout (before SYN-ACK is received) 
value in seconds
+ timeout-udp                  set udp timeout value in seconds


Example commands for setting session timeouts:


# set deviceconfig setting session timeout-captive-portal 60
# set deviceconfig setting session timeout-udp 60


Perform a commit to save changes to the configuration:

# commit


If these global and built-in application timeouts are still too broad, and you'd like more granular control, then configure an application override so that a certain connection triggers a custom application. Like any built-in application, a custom application also has configurable timeouts, as illustrated below:




Refer to the following document if you need more information on how to configure an application override:

How to Create an Application Override


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Thanks for reading,

Kim Wens

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