How to View the Configuration Changes or Differences in a Commit

How to View the Configuration Changes or Differences in a Commit

Created On 09/25/18 17:18 PM - Last Modified 06/08/23 01:05 AM


There are 3 ways to see what configuration changes will be made in a commit.



1. When you perform a commit, you are presented with an option to "Preview Changes".

config audit2.png


If you click Preview Changes, you will be presented with a window asking how many lines of context before and after changes to give you an idea where the changes are in the config. Default is 5 lines.

config audit3.png


If you click OK, then a Pop-Up window will show up. (NOTE: Your browser might block this pop-up window, so you will have to allow it to see it.)  You will see it color coded what the changes are.

config audit4.png


2. The second way to see the changes is with the use of the Config Audit.  (Device > Config Audit) This can be used to view the difference between the running and candidate configurations.

  • After choosing 2 configurations to compare, a double pane window appears.
  • Configuration differences are clearly highlighted by different colors for review, letting the administrator view changes in the present and past configurations. It lists what admin made the change, along with what time it was performed.

config audit1.pngConfig Audit window showing the difference between the Running and Candidate configs.



3. From the CLI, To see the changes between the running configuration and candidate configuration, you can run the following command to see what is different from the running config to the candite config.


> show config diff
risk 1;
preview yes;
+ confluence-downloading {
+ category collaboration;
+ subcategory social-business;
+ technology browser-based;
+ description "This App-ID identifies confluence downloading traffic.";
+ alg no;
+ appident yes;
+ virus-ident yes;
+ spyware-ident yes;
+ file-type-ident yes;
+ vulnerability-ident yes;
+ evasive-behavior no;
+ consume-big-bandwidth no;
+ used-by-malware no;


owner: sjanita

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