Why am I seeing Global Protect prompt a pop-up asking to Filter Network Content on MacOSx Catalina

Why am I seeing Global Protect prompt a pop-up asking to Filter Network Content on MacOSx Catalina

Created On 06/13/20 01:25 AM - Last Modified 06/15/20 20:58 PM


When a user tries to connect to the GlobalProtect Gateway on MacOSx Catalina, they see a pop-up prompt asking to allow or Don't allow Filter Network Content. 
  Filter Network


  • MacOSx Catalina 10.15
  • GlobalProtect Client 5.1
  • GlobalProtect Client 5.0


If system administrator has enabled "Enforce GlobalProtect Connections for Network Access" feature in app settings, client will prompt the pop-up. 


  1. If "Enforce GlobalProtect Connections for Network Access" is enabled on GP client, it will prompt with a pop-up window asking to allow Filter Network Content. 
  2. Users must click Allow on the prompt, or the Enforce GlobalProtect Connections for Network Access feature will not work and the GlobalProtect connections for network access cannot be enforced.
  3. This pop-up prompt will appear until you select Allow.

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