How to Activate Products in Support Portal

How to Activate Products in Support Portal

Created On 06/02/21 22:34 PM - Last Modified 06/07/23 04:00 AM


Tags:  CSR, CSP, Customer Support Portal
  • Palo Alto Network products are activated by customers, following completion of the sales and procurement stages.
  • This document describes how to use activation links in Support Portal to activate newly purchased products.


Customers who complete the device purchase process are established as the contact for the order. Following completion of the sales process, the order contact is sent an email containing a device activation link. In addition to activating products via emailed link, admins of the account also have the ability to access these activation links in Support Portal. 

Accessing Activation Links in Support Portal
Administrators of primary support portal accounts (linked to Palo Alto Network’s internal account where the sales order was placed), have access to the product activation feature in Support Portal (administrators must have Super User privileges in Support Portal). 

Product Grouping for Activation
As the sales order process completes and activation links are generated, one or more activation links may be generated for orders with multiple products included in the order. For example, an order with five products may have two activation links that include two products ready for activation in the first link, and three activation products in the second link.

In the Support Portal, devices with common activation links are grouped together; consequently, an order may be grouped in one or more activation links. 

The following products (Prisma Access, Cortex Data Lake, Panorama, Virtual NGFW Credits, Prisma NGFW Credits, CloudGenix, IoT Security, and Global Protect Cloud Services) currently use activation links in Support Portal.

Customer Support Image from CSP




Product Activation Process
Accessing “Activate Product” Feature

  1. Click > Activate Products at Support Portal left navigation pane 

    1. When a Support Portal Super User is authenticated in Support Portal, the Activate Product feature is accessed using “Activate Products” menu located in the left navigation bar.

  1. When “Activate Product” is clicked, products ready for activation are presented in groups (cards) for each activation link in tab “Ready for Activation”.

  1. Product activation: Click > “Activate Now” button

    1. To activate products in a group (card), click on the blue “Activate Now” button for that card. Note the activation experience is identical to the activation experience in the link provided by email.

Activate your Products

Product Activation History

  1. Click > Activation History tab

    1. Product activation history information is found by clicking “Activation History” tab.  On the “Activation History” tab, previously activated products are ordered by order number and product activation timestamp. Grouped products are listed together by timestamp of the last product activated in the group.

History of product activation (product activated by user information) will be a future enhancement.


Additional Information

For a full list of other Support Portal User Documents, please click here:


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