Why is the ‘Commit’ button showing green when there are no pending changes to commit?

Why is the ‘Commit’ button showing green when there are no pending changes to commit?

Created On 01/21/20 22:29 PM - Last Modified 05/18/20 20:33 PM


On a Panorama why is the ‘Commit’ button showing green when there are no pending changes to commit?

GUI Commit button displaying Green:
User-added image
Clicking Commit button indicates no changes to configuration:
User-added image


  • Any Panorama.
  • PAN-OS 8.0 and 8.1.


This is the expected behavior in PAN-OS 8.0 and 8.1 Panorama versions.

Information about the same from Panorama 8.0 Release notes:
User-added image

Note: In the Pre-8.0 PAN-OS versions, the Commit button would be grayed out when you have no pending changes.

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