How to Check Interface Hardware Counters Including Errors
To check interface hardware counters including potential hardware errors, use the following CLI command:
> show system state filter sys.s1.p*.detail
The output format for the command is as follows:
sys.s1.p.detail: { 'counter_label': value_in_hexadecimal(0x1234), ...}
*where x is port number
The counters information in the output are displayed as label: value pairs. The value of the counters are in hexadecimal format.
Note: A Counter is created and visible in the list only if value is greater than 0x0.
Here's a output sample for a PA-2050:
sys.s1.p1.detail: { 'collisions': 0x2cb0, 'late_collisions': 0x35, 'pkts1024tomax_octets': 0x11fac, 'pkts128to255_octets': 0x15235, 'pkts256to511_octets': 0x7fd2, 'pkts512to1023
_octets': 0xafe, 'pkts64_octets': 0xbae28, 'pkts65to127_octets': 0x1d9b0, }
sys.s1.p10.detail: { }
sys.s1.p11.detail: { }
sys.s1.p12.detail: { }
sys.s1.p13.detail: { }
sys.s1.p14.detail: { }
sys.s1.p15.detail: { }
sys.s1.p16.detail: { }
sys.s1.p17.detail: { }
sys.s1.p18.detail: { }
sys.s1.p19.detail: { }
sys.s1.p2.detail: { 'pkts1024tomax_octets': 0x134b3, 'pkts128to255_octets': 0x1bca1, 'pkts256to511_octets': 0xe3ea, 'pkts512to1023_octets': 0x1ef1, 'pkts64_octets': 0xd0831, 'pk
ts65to127_octets': 0x3fa20, }
sys.s1.p20.detail: { }
sys.s1.p3.detail: { 'pkts1024tomax_octets': 0xd2, 'pkts128to255_octets': 0xa3f9, 'pkts256to511_octets': 0x63d5, 'pkts512to1023_octets': 0x1, 'pkts64_octets': 0xb37b3, 'pkts65to1
27_octets': 0x17fee, }
sys.s1.p4.detail: { }
sys.s1.p5.detail: { }
sys.s1.p6.detail: { }
sys.s1.p7.detail: { }
sys.s1.p8.detail: { }
sys.s1.p9.detail: { }
In this example you can easily detect a duplex miss-match on port ethernet1/1 thanks to collision counters.
owner: nbilly