Forwarding User-ID Logs to Panorama

Forwarding User-ID Logs to Panorama

Created On 09/25/18 19:02 PM - Last Modified 07/28/20 20:57 PM


New capability/feature introduced in PAN-OS 8.0, the User-ID log has been made available from the GUI and can be accessed from the Monitor tab


  • PAN-OS 8.0


  • This feature introduces the possibility to forward User-ID logs to Panorama

Device >Log Settings > User-ID > Forward Method > Panorama


  • Log forwarding status can be verified through the CLI command show logging-status
admin@PA-200> show logging-status
      Type      Last Log Created        Last Log Fwded       Last Seq Num Fwded  Last Seq Num Acked         Total Logs Fwded
> CMS 0
Panorama log forwarding agent is active
         config         Not Available         Not Available                        0                   0                        0
         system         Not Available         Not Available                        0                   0                        0
         threat         Not Available         Not Available                        0                   0                        0
        traffic   2016/10/11 00:30:03   2016/10/11 00:30:23                  1294378             1294378                      681
       hipmatch         Not Available         Not Available                        0                   0                        0
     gtp-tunnel         Not Available         Not Available                        0                   0                        0
         userid   2016/10/11 00:26:55   2016/10/11 00:27:23                      355                 355                        4
           auth         Not Available         Not Available                        0                   0                        0

Additional Information

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