- The management server process can be restarted using the cli command below.
FW> debug software restart process management-server
- After a couple of minutes, please log back into the CLI
- Check the Management server process, by running the CLI command show system software status | match mgmtsrvr
FW> show system software status | match mgmtsrvr
Process mgmtsrvr running (pid: 26187)
The process should be displayed as "running" and both CLI and WebUI functions correctly.
- The cli command "debug software restart process management-server" will restart the 'mgmtsrvr' process.
- If there are any logged in admins when this happens, they will be kicked from the WebGUI as well as the CLI.
- Typically restarting the management server process does not affect the packet forwarding except that the admin will be kicked out.
- It is always encouraged to perform any process restart during non-peak hours or during a maintenance window.