How to Manage Unremediated Devices

How to Manage Unremediated Devices

Created On 09/20/24 17:42 PM - Last Modified 10/24/24 01:17 AM


Palo Alto Networks sent me a list of products that need to be remediated.  How can I find this list in Customer Support Portal?


Customer Support Portal


Periodically, Palo Alto Networks may notify you when your security products require remediation.  To view a list of these products, go to Customer Support Portal (CSP) menu Products > Assets.  Find the Remediation Required button on the right side of your browser. 

If this button contains a non-zero number, the button is highlighted in yellow to alert you to devices that require remediation.  If you do not have devices that require remediation, the button is colored grey, and then blue when the Remediation Required button is "active."  

In the example below. CSP indicates 3 products need remediation.

To view the list of products that require remediation, click Remediation Required button.  The button changes to blue to indicate it is now the "active" button.  The asset table displays a list of products requiring remediation.

Review the list of products and remediation notes in the asset table.  The Issue field indicates the type of remediation required, while the Description field provides additional information, and may be a hyperlink that will direct you to a web page with information on how to remediate your product.

A product listed in the asset table is associated with a serial number, and may include more than one Issue.  In this case, hyperlinks for each Issue may direct you to different web pages.  Apply each remediation separately.

After you remediate an asset, Palo Alto Networks will remove remediated assets from this asset table.  


Note: Identification of devices requiring remediation is based on one or more methods available to Palo Alto Networks, including devices that contact our servers -- update server, CDSS and telemetry server.  It is not possible to identify all use cases or scenarios when remediation is required, due to the variety of configuration and deployment scenarios. 


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