Can I convert my PAN-DB license to Advanced URL Filtering license in Enterprise License Agreement?
Created On 02/07/22 12:28 PM - Last Modified 01/22/24 18:02 PM
Can I convert my PAN-DB license to Advanced URL Filtering license in Enterprise License Agreement?
Firewall GUI
If the ELA was purchased before the 14th of October, 2021, the PAN-DB URL Filtering license can be converted to Advanced URL Filtering license in the Customer Support Portal.
If the ELA was purchased after the 14th of October, 2021, the Advanced URL Filtering license is automatically included.
Note: VM-ELA does not support Advanced URL Filtering license.
If you have Enterprise License Agreement purchased before the 14th of October, 2021, you can convert the PAN-DB URL Filtering license to Advanced URL Filtering license in CSP.
1. Make sure you have the ELA Administrator role which a Super User can assign.
2. Verify your valid Enterprise License Agreement in CSP > Products > Enterprise Agreements
3. Click the “Convert to ADVURL” button to start the conversion
4. After the conversion is completed, the ELA devices get updated with Advanced URL Filtering license across multiple accounts, and you will be notified by email.
5. Retrieve the license on the firewall WEB GUI.
If you already have an operational URL filtering deployment, no additional configuration is necessary to take advantage of advanced URL filtering.
Additional Information
What if the conversion failed?
If the conversion fails in the middle of the process, the CSP system will retry.
If the conversion still fails after the system-retry, create an Admin support case with Palo Alto Networks .
Advanced URL Filtering Security Subscription