How to Manage Training Credits

How to Manage Training Credits

Created On 03/15/23 22:12 PM - Last Modified 06/07/23 03:58 AM


  • Support Portal
  • Training Credits


What are Palo Alto Networks Training Credits?


Palo Alto Networks training credits are an easy way to purchase and manage Palo Alto Networks authorized instructor-led training.

Purchase training credits from Palo Alto Networks or through your reseller. One training credit = $100 USD of purchasing value towards instructor-led training courses and can be redeemed through participating Palo Alto Networks Authorized Training Partners (ATPs) worldwide.

What are the benefits of Palo Alto Networks training credits?

Palo Alto Networks training credits give you a fast, convenient way to establish, protect, and manage a training budget. With training credits, you have the freedom to select authorized training content from any participating ATP worldwide.

Do I Need A Special Role to View or Manage Training Credits?

Yes, ask your Customer Support Portal (CSP) Super User to assign you role Training Credit Admin.

How can I redeem Training Credits?

Redeem training credits through participating ATPs worldwide in your time zone, and in the language you find most familiar.

How can I find an Authorized Training Partner (ATP)?

To display a list of instructor-led courses available from ATPs, visit:


For a complete list of ATPs, visit the ATP locator:

Customer Support Portal enables you to select three preferred Authorized Training Partners.  For more information on ATPs, continue reading this Knowledge Article.

Do training credits expire and, if so, for how long are they valid?

Yes, training credits expire. Training credits are valid for one (1) year from the date of purchase, giving you time to find the training that best suits your needs. Training must be scheduled and completed prior to the stated expiration date.

Can I redeem training credits for any course offered by an ATP?

Training credits are valid for all Palo Alto Networks Authorized instructor-led courses. For a complete listing of courses, please visit the Palo Alto Networks Education website.  Filter for ‘Instructor-Led’.

Can I use Training Credits for private and/or onsite classes?

Yes, you can use training credits for private and onsite classes scheduled through participating ATPs.

Where can I see my Training Credits?

To view and manage your training credits, go to Customer Support Portal, and click menu Assets > Training Credits.  If Support Portal does not display Training Credits menu, ask your CSP Super User to assign you role Training Credit Admin

To search for a specific credit ID, enter the credit ID in the Search field.

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Your Purchased Training Credits

Training Credits page displays a table of training credit IDs. Information in each column follows:

  • Credit ID.  When you purchase training credits, each purchase is assigned a Credit ID.   Use all, or a portion, of a Credit ID to purchase courses (only last four digits of credit IDs are displayed).
  • Purchased Credits.  Number of purchased credits in the Credit ID, where 1 credit = $100 USD.
  • Scheduled Credits.  Number of credits allocated to scheduled courses.
  • Used Credits.  Number of credits allocated to courses that have already been taken.
  • Remaining Credits.  Number of credits left to spend on new courses.
  • Percentage Used.  Percentage of credits used from total credits purchased.
  • Expiration Date.  Date this credit ID expires.  Please keep in mind each credit ID expires (1) one year after purchase.  Courses must be taken before the expiration date.
  • Days Remaining.  Number of days until this credit ID expires. When a credit ID is near its expiration date, the Days Remaining indicator changes from green to red.


Information about Credit IDs

To display more information on a credit ID, click on a blue credit ID above.  CSP displays information on the credit ID, e.g., scheduled courses.   To search for a specific course, e.g., EDU-220, enter the course in the Search field.

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Credit ID data fields include:

  • Course Name.  Course name, e.g., EDU-220.  This column may contain optional notes on students who took the course, or number of students who took the course
  • Start Date.  First day of the course
  • End Date. Last day of the course
  • EDU Cost.  Cost of the course in USD
  • ATP.  Authorized Training Partner who will teach, or taught, the course
  • Status.  If the course has not been taken, Status is Active.  If the course has been taken, Status is Completed.


Select Preferred Authorized Training Partners

Remember to select up to three preferred Authorized Training Partners (ATP).  Hover your mouse over Preferred Authorized Training Partners link, and select up to three ATPs.

After you select an ATP and click Save button, CSP sends an email to the selected ATP (to ask them to contact you to schedule classes).  CSP also sends an email to all users in your CSP account with role Training Credit Admin (indicating a new ATP has been selected).   You can modify preferred ATPs at any time.

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