Google Play Store Disclosure when Installing GlobalProtect for Android

Google Play Store Disclosure when Installing GlobalProtect for Android

Created On 01/31/23 09:31 AM - Last Modified 01/31/23 09:33 AM


  •  Android mobile device
  •  GlobalProtect (new & existing installs)


  1. What's the change?
  • For every new install, the user will see a prominent disclosure page that lists the data GP may collect from the user
  • The user will have to click "OK" to dismiss the disclosure. Users will only see the page the first time they open GP
  • For all existing installs, the user will have to accept the disclosure the next time they open GP

Snapshot of the Google Play Store disclosure dialog box when installing GlobalProtect
  1. Who will be affected?
  • All new and existing Android GP users
  1. When is it going to be released?
  • This will begin with GP version 6.0.5+
  1. Why are we making this change?
  • This disclosure is a requirement from the Google Play Store

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