How to whitelist or blacklist in URL Filtering in PANOS 9.0.x and above

How to whitelist or blacklist in URL Filtering in PANOS 9.0.x and above

Created On 02/13/21 20:40 PM - Last Modified 02/06/25 03:53 AM


  • Whitelist or blacklist in URL Filtering using PANOS 9.0.x and above versions
  • Release versions earlier than PAN-OS 9.0 allowed you to configure URL Filtering Overrides to create exceptions to URL category enforcement.
  • In PAN-OS 9.0, the URL Filtering profile Overrides tab, where you would configure these block and allow lists, no longer exists.


  • Palo Alto Firewalls
  • PANOS 9.0.x, 9.1.x and 10.0.x
  • URL Block List configuration.


To configure exceptions to URL categories
  1. Create a custom URL category under GUI: Objects > Custom Objects > URL Category
  • Any URL Filtering overrides that you configured before upgrading to PAN-OS 9.0 are now converted to custom URL Categories. For more details on these changes, see Multi-Category URL Filtering 
  1. Custom URL object will show in URL Filtering (GUI: Object  > Security Profiles > URL Filtering)
  • As default, URL category objects will have NONE as Action in URL Filtering
  1. Change action from NONE to BLOCK or ALLOW as needed 
  • If you had URL Filtering overrides configured before upgrading to PAN-OS 9.0, there are three issues you might see after the upgrade. Each has a workaround that you might consider implementing
  • See workarounds in Upgrade/Downgrade Considerations for PANOS 9.0.x
  1. Commit the changes
  2. When the URL category is used in security profile that belongs to a security policy, the traffic that matches url will be denied or permitted based on the configuration

Additional Information

Overrides tab in URL filtering missing after the upgrade.

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