How to deprovision Prisma Access Service Connection and Remote networks

How to deprovision Prisma Access Service Connection and Remote networks

Created On 05/19/22 18:12 PM - Last Modified 05/11/23 01:36 AM


To guide how to de-provision Prisma access Service Connections and Remote Networks


Prisma Access
Prisma Access Panorama Managed
Prisma Access Cloud managed


Panorma Managed Prisma Access
Service Connection
  1. Go to Panorama > Cloud Services > Configuration > Service Connection > Onboarding
  2. Select the service connection that needs to be deprovisioned
How to delete SC
  1. If you are using hot-potato routing and have selected the service connection ( that needs to be de-provision)  as a Backup SC of another service connection, then remove it from the Backup SC first
Delete backup SC
  1. Click delete at the bottom
  2. Commit to Panorama
  3. Push to Devices (Make sure the Prisma Access Service Setup is selected in the Push Scope)
Remote Networks
  1. Go to Panorama > Cloud Services > Configuration > Remote Networks > Onboarding
  2. Select the Remote Network that needs to be de-provision
  3. Click delete at the bottom
Delete Remote Network
  1. Commit to Panorama
  2. Push to Devices (Make sure the Prisma Access Remote Network is selected in the Push Scope)
Cloud Managed Prisma Access
Service Connection
  1. Go to Prisma access Cloud Managed console from the Palo Alto Hub
  2. Select Manage > Service Setup > Service Connection 
  3. Select the Service Connection that needs to be de-provision
Delete Cloud managed SC
  1. If you are using hot-potato routing and have selected the service connection ( that needs to be de-provision)  as a Backup SC of another service connection, then remove from the Backup SC first from the Advanced settings
Delete Cloud managed backup
  1. Click delete
  2. Push the config to Service Connection
Remote Networks
  1. Go to Prisma access Cloud Managed console from the Palo Alto Hub
  2. Select Manage > Service Setup > Remote Networks > Remote Networks Setup
  3. Select the Remote Network that is needed to de-provision
  4. Select delete
Cloud managed remote networks.png
  1. Push the config to the Remote Networks

Additional Information

Refer to the following admin guide for provisioning issues.
Prisma Access Administrator’s Guide (Panorama Managed)
Prisma Access (Cloud Management)

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