'hip-profiles is a duplicate node' error when attaching HIP Profiles to Security Rules

'hip-profiles is a duplicate node' error when attaching HIP Profiles to Security Rules

Created On 07/19/21 19:46 PM - Last Modified 10/25/21 23:29 PM


  • When attaching a HIP Profile to security policies, the user may encounter an error: 'hip-profiles is a duplicate node'
  • Committing/pushing to devices also results in commit errors.


  • PAN-OS 10.0 or newer
  • Panorama used to push HIP profiles to firewalls


HIP command syntax has changed for PAN-OS 10.0 code.


  1. From the Panorama CLI, change the config-output-format to 'set' notation so you can easily compare the configurations:
    panorama> set cli config-output-format set
    1. Enter the configuration shell:
      panorama> configure
      1. Search the running configuration for 'hip-profiles':
        panorama# show | match hip-profiles
        set device-group My_Device_Group pre-rulebase security rules "trust-to-untrust" hip-profiles any
        set device-group My_Device_Group pre-rulebase security rules "dmz-to-untrust" hip-profiles any
        1. In the example above there were two configuration items with hip-profiles which needed to be deleted. Delete them:
          panorama# delete device-group My_Device_Group pre-rulebase security rules "trust-to-untrust" hip-profiles any 
          panorama# delete device-group My_Device_Group pre-rulebase security rules "dmz-to-untrust" hip-profiles any
          1. Replace the deleted configuration with the newer syntax:
            panorama# set device-group My_Device_Group pre-rulebase security rules "trust-to-untrust" source-hip any
            panorama# set device-group My_Device_Group pre-rulebase security rules "dmz-to-untrust" source-hip any
            1. Commit and push from Panorama

            Additional Information

            Old command:
            set device-group <device-group-name> post-rulebase security rules <security-rule-name> hip-profiles <HIP-profile-name>
            New command:
            set device-group <device-group-name> post-rulebase security rules <security-rule-name> source-hip <HIP-profile-name>
            Note: 'hip-profiles' keyword has changed to 'source-hip' in CLI on 10.0 PAN-OS version.

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