Global Protect no se conecta encendido, pero puede conectarse encendido IPSEC SSL

Global Protect no se conecta encendido, pero puede conectarse encendido IPSEC SSL

Created On 05/06/21 09:26 AM - Last Modified 03/03/23 01:57 AM


  • La conexión de protección global se realiza correctamente mediante el protocolo, pero no mediante SSL IPSEC.
  • Todos los usuarios se ven afectados.
  • Cuando la regla nat de origen está deshabilitada, GP en IPSEC funciona.
  • IPSEC está habilitado en la configuración de la puerta de GP enlace.
Imagen de usuario añadido
  • En PanGPS.log la razón IPSEC falló es porque keep-alive no se recibió y el agente inició SSL la conexión en su lugar.
(T12928)Debug( 559): 05/07/21 09:50:16:624 Network is reachable
(T12928)Info ( 178): 05/07/21 09:50:16:624 Connected to:[4501], Sending keep alive to ipsec socket...
(T12928)Debug( 278): 05/07/21 09:50:16:640 IPSec tunnel receive failed with error 10054(An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)
(T12928)Info ( 199): 05/07/21 09:50:16:640 failed to receive keep alive
(T12928)Info ( 221): 05/07/21 09:50:16:640 failed to receive keep alive
(T12928)Debug( 229): 05/07/21 09:50:16:640 IPSec anti-replay statistics: outside window count 0, replay count 0
(T12928)Debug( 231): 05/07/21 09:50:16:640 Disconnect udp socket 
(T12928)Info ( 353): 05/07/21 09:50:16:640 Connecting to failed
(T12928)Info ( 268): 05/07/21 09:50:16:640 Start vpn do_connect() failed
(T12928)Debug( 325): 05/07/21 09:50:16:640 tunnel statistics: send bytes(0) packets(0) errors(0) drops(0) queue-size(0), recv bytes(0) packets(0) errors(0) drops(0) queue-size(0)
(T12928)Debug( 327): 05/07/21 09:50:16:640 do_disconnect is called in VPN stop
(T12928)Debug( 660): 05/07/21 09:50:16:640 ipsec failed to start
(T12928)Info ( 100): 05/07/21 09:50:16:640 VPN is deleted
(T12928)Debug( 169): 05/07/21 09:50:16:640 VPN idle timeout is 10800; config timeout is 10800
(T12928)Debug( 217): 05/07/21 09:50:16:640 EnforceDns is enabled, set 2 GP pushed DNS servers
(T12928)Debug(  65): 05/07/21 09:50:16:640 Trying to do SSL connection to
(T12928)Debug( 780): 05/07/21 09:50:16:640 SSL connecting to
(T12928)Debug( 487): 05/07/21 09:50:16:640 socket send buffer old size is 65536
(T12928)Debug( 511): 05/07/21 09:50:16:640 socket send buffer new size is 3145728
(T12928)Debug( 559): 05/07/21 09:50:16:640 Network is reachable
(T12928)Debug(1247): 05/07/21 09:50:16:656 Failed to X509_LOOKUP_load_file
(T12928)Debug( 366): 05/07/21 09:50:16:656 Open_SSL_connection: subject '/CN=1001.1.1'
(T12928)Debug( 370): 05/07/21 09:50:16:656 Open_SSL_connection: issuer '/CN=RootCerti'
(T12928)Info ( 113): 05/07/21 09:50:16:656 Connected ssl tunnel to
(T12928)Info ( 363): 05/07/21 09:50:16:656 tunnel to connected
  • La captura de paquetes del cliente muestra que el cliente está enviando el paquete pero UDP-4501 recibe el mensaje "Destino inaccesible (Puerto inalcanzable)". ICMP

NOTE: Si verificamos el contenido de este ICMP paquete de Código 3 Tipo 3, notaremos que fue en respuesta a un paquete completamente diferente (ipid es diferente IP ). Veremos más adelante por qué sucedió esto.

Imagen de usuario añadido

  • La sesión muestra 3 paquetes enviados y 3 paquetes recibidos:
Imagen de usuario añadido
  • Depurar/packet_diag cuando está habilitado con "flujo básico" y "flujo de túnel" muestra lo siguiente:
== 2021-05-07 09:50:17.997 +0800 ==
Packet received at slowpath stage, tag 337855482, type ATOMIC
Packet info: len 174 port 18 interface 18 vsys 1
  wqe index 229292 packet 0x0x80000000ed94a0e6, HA: 0, IC: 0
Packet decoded dump:
L2:     00:50:56:9b:8d:8e->d4:f4:be:67:02:12, type 0x0800
IP:>, protocol 17
        version 4, ihl 5, tos 0x00, len 160,
        id 21988, frag_off 0x0000, ttl 128, checksum 6688(0x1a20)
UDP:    sport 61248, dport 4501, len 140, checksum 46727
Session setup: vsys 1
Session setup: ingress interface ethernet1/3 egress interface ethernet1/3 (zone 3)
NAT policy lookup, matched rule index 0
Policy lookup, matched rule index 1,
Allocated new session 150255.
set exclude_video in session 150255 0x80000000d010b180 0 from work 0x80000000e69bd580 0
Rule: index=0 name=test, cfg_pool_idx=16 cfg_fallback_pool_idx=0
NAT Rule: name=test, cfg_pool_idx=16; Session: index=150255, nat_pool_idx=16
Packet matched vsys 1 NAT rule 'test' (index 1),
source translation =>
Created session, enqueue to install. work 0x80000000e69bd580 exclude_video 0,session 150255 0x80000000d010b180 exclude_video 0
FASTPATH (Paquete interior desencapsulado):
== 2021-05-07 09:50:17.999 +0800 ==
Packet received at fastpath stage, tag 150255, type ATOMIC
Packet info: len 174 port 18 interface 18 vsys 1
  wqe index 229292 packet 0x0x80000000ed94a0e6, HA: 0, IC: 0
Packet decoded dump:
L2:     00:50:56:9b:8d:8e->d4:f4:be:67:02:12, type 0x0800
IP:>, protocol 17
        version 4, ihl 5, tos 0x00, len 160,
        id 21988, frag_off 0x0000, ttl 128, checksum 46692(0xb664)
UDP:    sport 61248, dport 4501, len 140, checksum 21196
Flow fastpath, session 150255 (set work 0x80000000e69bd580 exclude_video 0 from sp 0x80000000d010b180 exclude_video 0)
2021-05-07 09:50:17.999 +0800  pan_flow_process_fastpath(src/pan_flow_proc.c:3895): SESSION-DSCP: set session DSCP: 0x00
NAT session, run address/port translation
Packet enter NATT tunnel decap stage, session 150255, tunnel 1557
Packet entered tunnel (1557) deapsulation
Packet info: len 174 port 18 interface 18 vsys 1
  wqe index 229292 packet 0x0x80000000ed94a0e6, HA: 0, IC: 0
Packet decoded dump:
L2:     00:50:56:9b:8d:8e->d4:f4:be:67:02:12, type 0x0800
IP:>, protocol 17
        version 4, ihl 5, tos 0x00, len 160,
        id 21988, frag_off 0x0000, ttl 128, checksum 46692(0xb664)
UDP:    sport 61248, dport 4501, len 140, checksum 21196
Doing to esp-decap, tdp:0x800000007f092840
esp-decap. now: 6088436
tp->spec.ipsec_spec. start_time: 6088436, hardtime: 2592000, softtime: 2591967, hardbytes:0, softbytes:0
2021-05-07 09:50:17.999 +0800 debug: pan_ipsec_esp_decap(ipsec/src/pan_ipsec.c:3269): wqe 0x80000000e69bd580 res 0x800000007fce1708 b_exclude_video 0 if_idx_e 18 if_idx_t 263 tid 1557; saddr => daddr; tp local addr local spi 505D735F
Packet after esp deapsulation
Packet info: len 98 port 18 interface 18 vsys 1
  wqe index 229292 packet 0x0x80000000ed9360c0, HA: 0, IC: 0
Packet decoded dump:
L2:     00:50:56:9b:8d:8e->d4:f4:be:67:02:12, type 0x0800
IP:>, protocol 1
        version 4, ihl 5, tos 0x00, len 84,
        id 21345, frag_off 0x4000, ttl 64, checksum 27443(0x6b33)
ICMP:   type 8, code 0, checksum 49050, id 21345, seq 1
2021-05-07 09:50:17.999 +0800 debug: pan_ipsec_esp_decap(ipsec/src/pan_ipsec.c:3643): (IPSEC TUNNEL) set work 0x80000000e69bd580 exclude_video to 0
Tunnel decap completed, feed to interface 263
Tunnel inbound msg
== 2021-05-07 09:50:17.999 +0800 ==
Packet received at ingress stage, tag 0, type ORDERED
Packet info: len 98 port 4 interface 263 vsys 1
  wqe index 229292 packet 0x0x80000000ed9360c0, HA: 0, IC: 0
Packet decoded dump:
L2:     00:50:56:9b:8d:8e->d4:f4:be:67:02:12, type 0x0800
IP:>, protocol 1
        version 4, ihl 5, tos 0x00, len 84,
        id 21345, frag_off 0x4000, ttl 64, checksum 27443(0x6b33)
ICMP:   type 8, code 0, checksum 49050, id 21345, seq 1
Tunnel inbound. Protocol is ICMP, intercept it
Received icmp packet seq# 21345 from source: 0-0 to destination: 0-0 , is gps2s:no
Packet enters tunnel encap stage, tunnel interface null
Packet entered tunnel (1557) encapsulation
Packet info: len 98 port 4 interface 263 vsys 1
  wqe index 229292 packet 0x0x80000000ed9360c0, HA: 0, IC: 0
Packet decoded dump:
L2:     00:50:56:9b:8d:8e->d4:f4:be:67:02:12, type 0x0800
IP:>, protocol 1
        version 4, ihl 5, tos 0x00, len 84,
        id 17890, frag_off 0x4000, ttl 64, checksum 30898(0x78b2)
ICMP:   type 0, code 0, checksum 51098, id 21345, seq 1
Done esp-encap, tdp:0x800000007f092840, gre_encap:0, natt_encap:1, spi:1701752256, esp seq: 1
NAT session, run address/port translation
Tunnel outbound msg
Forwarding lookup, ingress interface 18
L3 mode, virtual-router 1
Route lookup in virtual-router 1, IP
Host route found, forward packet to host
Host service check passed, transmit to control plane
  • Observe que la respuesta (tipo 0, código 0) es generada por la puerta de enlace, pero la búsqueda de ruta para este paquete ocurre para la GP GP propia puerta de enlace IP IP en lugar del cliente público IP (ICMPen este caso



  • Todos los Pan-OS cortafuegos
  • Topología usada para la demostración en este KB artículo:
Imagen de usuario añadido


  • El problema ocurre porque firewall no admite NAT peer IP en sí mismo en firewall caso de GP IPSEC o sitio a sitio IPSEC VPN.


  • Deshabilitar NAT regla para Peer IP (GP cliente/IPSEC peer).

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