GlobalProtect App notification "The network connection is unreliable and GlobalProtect reconnected using an alternate method..."

GlobalProtect App notification "The network connection is unreliable and GlobalProtect reconnected using an alternate method..."

Created On 03/17/21 15:24 PM - Last Modified 10/03/23 08:23 AM


The message "The network connection is unreliable and GlobalProtect reconnected using an alternate method. You may experience slowness when accessing the internet or business" is seen on GlobalProtect Client.


  • Palo Alto Firewall
  • GlobalProtect App version 5.2.5 and above.


  • This is a feature introduced in GP app 5.2.5 to improve user experience.
  • The message does not mean that there is a problem but GP will always try to use the most reliable connection.
  • For example, if you have both IPsec and SSL options and a specific user has an unrealizable connection GP will use the one that is more stable, and the message is generated to inform the user if that is the case.
To disable the fallback notification
  1. Upgrade the Firewall content to release 8387-6595
  2. Under, GUI: Network > GlobalProtect > Portals > (portal name) > Agent > (agent name) > App and set the option of "Display IPSec to SSL Fallback Notification" to No.
  3. Commit the configuration.
Note: The option is configured to be "Yes" by default. The setting of "No" will disable these notifications.

Additional Information

Refer  Features Introduced In GP App for more details.

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