Software Download Error: upgrading from 8.0.15 to 8.1.0 requires a content version of 769 or greater and found 695-4002. Failed to install version 8.1.0 type panos
Created On 03/28/19 02:33 AM - Last Modified 10/21/22 09:27 AM
Sometimes when PAN-OS 8.0 or above is downloaded on a Palo Alto Networks firewall, the download may fail and display the following error:
" Error: upgrading from 8.0.15 to 8.1.0 requires a content version of 769 or greater and found 695-4002. Failed to install version 8.1.0 type panos ".
- Panorama
Your device does not have latest dynamic update.
The following procedure to download the latest dynamic updates does not work on PAN-OS 8.0 anymore.
- In the WebGUI, go to the Device > Dynamic Updates
- To check for the latest software version, Click 'Check Now' in the lower left corner.
- Download and installed the latest app and threat version
Please contact Palo Alto Networks support to provide the respective content version for manual upload and installation.