Case Studies: VM-Series on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Case Studies: VM-Series on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Created On 03/26/20 19:10 PM - Last Modified 04/06/20 23:20 PM



This document serves as a case study guide for most common issues reported with VM-Series Deployments on GCP.



Contents of this document include the following case studies for VM-Series Deployments with GCP

1. Enable VM Monitoring to track VM changes on GCP

2. Minimum API's the PA-VMs need access to operate properly

3. Intermittent licensing failure during bootstrap of PA-VM BYOL

4. GCP Health Checks to PA-VM Instance is Failing

5. GCP VM serial number issue after upgrading from 8.1 to 9.0.x

6. VM-Info Sources: GCP dynamic groups not populating correctly

7. Interface MTU change is not persistent in GCP

8. Define service route using DP interface with DHCP in GCP

9. Non-Traditional HA and Failover in GCP

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