Unable to create console access to the firewall in OCI.
Created On 02/29/20 00:10 AM - Last Modified 07/19/22 23:16 PM
- While attempting to create console access to PA-VM firewall instance, below errors are encountered:
- InvalidParameter - Invalid ssh public key type "-----BEGIN"”
- TooManyRequests - Too many requests for the user
- Navigate to PA-VM instance in OCI and scroll down to “Console connections”
- Click on “Create Console Connection”
- Choose SSH Key Files and select the .pub file to save on your computer and check the result or paste the SSH Key and check the result.
- In both cases you will encounter different error messages.
- Review the format of the public key pasted from the .pu file or imported .pub file which looks like this:
- This format is not accepted by OCI. Even if you delete “--- BEGIN *** ---” and “--- END SSH2 **---”, the key will not be accepted by OCI.
- Platform: PA-VM
- Deployment: Any
- The format of the public key that is either being pasted or imported from the computer is not accepted by OCI.
- Create a new key using puttygen and copy the public key. Accepted key looks as below:
- Accepted Key looks like this