How to enable the disabled applications in "Shared" device group?

How to enable the disabled applications in "Shared" device group?

Created On 12/03/19 03:00 AM - Last Modified 06/29/21 02:36 AM


Applications may have to be enabled directly in the "Shared" device group.
For instance, after importing a device with a content package more recent than the one on Panorama, the new applications will be disabled.
But it remains disabled even when the content is up to date.

During the commit, the following warning message with the list of the disabled applications will appear.

Commit Errors

The warnings displayed are similar to "Warnings: Disabled applications in shared: xxx"

But there is no "Shared" device group in the Objects.
it is not possible to manage the applications in the "Shared" Device group


  • Palo Alto Firewalls being managed by Panorama
  • Any PAN-OS
  • Shared Device group


The enable or disable the applications on the Shared Device group must be done using the CLI command listed below.
> request set-application-status-recursive application *application_name* status *enabled/disabled*

To re-enable multiple applications as displayed in the commit screenshot.
  1. Change the configuration output to SET command
    > set cli config-output-format set
  2. Go to configuration mode
    > configure
  3. Retrieve the list of the application
    # show | match application-status
  4. One will see the output similar to that below. Edit the list to prepare a block of commands
set shared application-status alipay
set shared application-statu yunpan-uploading
  1. Inject the commands outside of the configuration mode.
> request set-application-status-recursive application alipay status enabled
> request set-application-status-recursive application yunpan-uploading  status enabled
  1. Commit the configuration and push the changes to Firewalls, the error messages are not seen anymore.

Additional Information

On the Firewalls not being managed by Panorama, the applications can be enabled from WebUI interface.
  1. GUI: Objects>Applications
  2. Using the dropdown menu, display the "Disabled applications
To display the disabled applications
  1. All the disabled applications will appear, select the applications that are to be enabled (Example shown below)
Disabled Applications
  1. Click on Enable.
  2. Commit.

  • Print
  • Copy Link

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