High Disk Utilization on /opt/pancfg partition on Virtual Panorama

High Disk Utilization on /opt/pancfg partition on Virtual Panorama

Created On 10/18/19 02:10 AM - Last Modified 02/11/22 02:30 AM


Different symptoms can appear because of that issue, depending on how full the disk is:
  • unable to commit the configuration 
  • unable to download the new update (dynamic update and/or software update)
  • unable to download software updates for managed Firewalls due to Error:
Error: There is not enough free disk space to complete the desired operation.
Delete older software, dynamic update, or client versions to free additional disk space before trying the operation again.
Use the 'set max-num-images count' CLI command to adjust the number of versions stored in order to avoid this problem in the future.
  • The /opt/pancfg partition usage is over 75%
Panorama> show system disk-space
Filesystem      Size  Used  Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2       3.8G  2.8G 822M 78% /
/dev/sda5       7.6G  5.4G 1.8G 75% /opt/pancfg        <----- /opt/pancfg
/dev/sda6       3.8G  1.3G 2.3G 37% /opt/panrepo
tmpfs           1.9G  110M 1.8G 6% /dev/shm
cgroup_root     1.9G     0 1.9G 0% /cgroup
/dev/sdb1       20G   12G  6.9G 64% /opt/panlogs



  • Panorama VM in legacy mode on VMware ESXi
  • PAN-OS. 8.1 and above.


The /opt/pancfg partition is small (7GB) and getting filled quickly. This is common on Virtual Panorama's deployed in Legacy Mode with smaller disk partition causing the /opt/pancfg to fill up quicker.


There are 2 solutions for this issue:
  1. Clear the disk
  2. Increase the disk space

Solution 1 - Clear the disk

From the WebUI, go to the following sections to remove unused software
  • Panorama > Software
  • Panorama > Dynamic Updates
  • Panorama > Device Deployment > Software
  • Panorama > Device Deployment > Dynamic Updates
To clear a specific software, go to the right category then click on the cross

If after removing that software, the issue is not resolved yet, please contact directly the Support to clear additional content.

Solution 2 - Increase the disk space

To resolve definitively this issue, we will install the system on the 81GB disk space. 81GB is the required disk space for the system to move to panorama mode.
  1. Turn off the Panorama VM
  2. Go to the menu to edit the VM settings
edit settings of the VM
  1. Add a new disk to the Panorama VM.
add a new disk
  1. Set the following parameters for the new disk
    • Disk size: 81GB
    • Disk Provision: Thick Provision
    • Virtual Device Node: SCSI
new disk settings
  1. Click OK when done.
  2. Power On the Panorama VM
  3. From the CLI, look for the new disk name using the CLI command "show system disk details" (in the example, the name is sdb)
how to find the disk name
  1. Once the disk is located, and you got the name of it, launch the copy of the system disk to this new disk using the command "request system clone-system-disk target <name>" (in the example sdb)
copy process started

Note: The information is available only on Console. The copy process takes time (around 30 min) during which the Panorama reboots. When the process is finished, the system ask you to shut down the Panorama.
  • Turn off the Panorama VM - Go to the menu to edit the VM settings
  • Remove the original system disk from the virtual machine
  • Change the new system disk Virtual Device Node to SCSI(0:0)
  • Power on the Panorama VM

Additional Information

From PAN-OS 9.1, the system disk should be increased to 224GB.

Increase the System Disk on the Panorama Virtual Appliance

  • Print
  • Copy Link


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