Commit error "Pre-negotiation can only be enabled on HA Active-Passive mode"

Commit error "Pre-negotiation can only be enabled on HA Active-Passive mode"

Created On 07/23/19 04:12 AM - Last Modified 07/08/20 20:14 PM


During commit process Error message "Pre-negotiation can only be enabled on HA Active-Passive mode" is displayed.


•  High Availability configured in active passive mode.
•  LACP or LLDP configured.
•  Prenegotiation is enabled under LACP or LLDP. 



• Customers with mission critical applications use LLDP or LACP to achieve sub-second failover in an active-passive scenario.
• When passive device link state is set to down, LACP or LLDP cannot pre-negotiate. When this happens the commit displays the above error.


Setup the passive link state to Auto on both active and passive firewalls.

1. Go to Device > High Availability > General > Active/Passive Settings.
2. Change the "Passive link State" from "Shutdown" to "Auto".
User-added image
3. Commit.

Additional Information

Refer LACP and LLDP Pre-negotiation for additional details.

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